Nightmare: Chapter 5

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All his life, he had been attracted to the tall and willowy, but now his eye drew toward Lily, and not because her sister was already married. He shook his head clear of Lily's tanned legs and slightly damp hair that plastered her ponytail to her neck. But Lily Watson was a pistol, and he didn't have the time or energy to chase after women like that. Not to mention that she was an employee.

He was determined to get the information he came for and go back to Dallas, forgetting all about her sexy golf swing and her fascination for playing in the mud.


"Lily, dear," my mother said over a small lunch of tuna salad and iced tea, "Mr. King was telling me that he has never visited Arkansas. Why don't you take the afternoon to show him around?"

I looked at Mom, and then at Bryce. He was about to decline the offer, but I did it for him. "Can't. I'm taking Bri down to the Quapaw Quarter. We're helping with the restoration on the Ledbetter House."

"Can't you cop out for one weekend? Mr. King seems interested in our history. You could show him the Old Mill, or take him down to the River Market." Mom added more places to her tour, but I tuned her out and rolled my eyes. Eventually, she wound down and I got a word in.

"Mom, I'm busy this afternoon. I have responsibilities. If Bryce really wants to see our cultural history, he can come down to the Quarter and lend a helping hand." And I regretted the invitation as soon as I said it. Bryce noticed.

"No, really," he said. "I don't want to be an inconvenience. I should go back to the hotel, get cleaned up, and check in at the office."

I blinked at him. "It's Saturday. What's there to check on?"

"The world of business doesn't stop for a couple words on a calendar," he replied, smiling.

"But a round of golf is a different story," I grunted hotly.

"Exactly," he smiled wider. He left shortly after. And I went out to my truck with Bri in tow.

"I like him," she said, her round face pinched back in her perpetually, sixteen-year-old way.


"Mr. King. I think you like him, too."

I had to admit that I got along with Bri better than my sister did, but today, she was set to annoy the crap out of me.

"Nonsense," I said. "He's not my type. He's too rich and too sure of himself."

"That's the best kind."

"And how would you know this? You know a lot of rich and handsome men?"

"Nah, I don't know a lot of anybody. The curse of being homeschooled."

"Good," I said. "That curse will keep you safe."

"Safe from what?"


"You mean, safe from sex?" She cheeked me with a sly grin.

"Do we have to have this conversation now?"

"Yes, now is as good of a time as any."

I opened my truck door and stood looking over the hood at her. "I'm your aunt, not your counselor. If you want to discuss sex with anyone, talk to Marissa. She'll kill me for even mentioning it to you."

"You didn't mention it; I did," she pointed out.

"Whatever. Get in. We're late."

"I think you should go for him," she said as I started the engine.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2011 ⏰

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