Obra Maestra

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Once again I lay there, staring at the cealing, staring at the creases wondering what time it is. Why does this happen? You would think as a medical student I should know exactly what is happening to ny body, but I don't. These nightmares, this insomnia, it wont stop. 

I hit the 'OFF' button on my alarm as I hear it ring. I throw the blankets off of me and groan as I get up and walk to the bathroom. As I undress I hear a pounding at the door.

"Hurry up bitch! You've been in there for half an hour!" my lovely roommate, Isabel. 

"Shut up you liar!" I scream as I step into the shower and feel the warmth of the water cover my body.

"Are you driving to the hospital today?" She says as she opens the door to the bathroom and starts brushing her teeth. 

"Yes, I don't want to die on my way to school today." I hear her laugh and she turns on the hot water making my water cold. I yelp as I jump out of the way.

"Enserio?!" I say and open the curtain to see her as she is tying a knot to keep her scrubs pants on.

"Alex, hurry up we are going to be late to rounds." She says as she steps outside of the bathroom, I sigh and turn the water off. I wrap myself in a towel and look at myself in the mirror. 


I roll my eyes and hurry up and get changed throwing my hair in a bun. I walk outside and see Izzy smearing peanut butter onto two bagels and grab two water bottles.

'You ready to go?" she says as she placed one bagel in her mouth and hands me the extra bagel and water.

"As ready as I will ever be." 

About an hour later we arrive at the hospital, I observe my badge as we are standing in the lunch room waiting for our superior to show up and mention what our day was going to consist off. I hate the picture on my badge! I'm smiling like an idiot and my brown eyes show the excitement that I felt starting my internship, my brown hair falls into light curls down the sides of my face. I need to get this changed. Once our superior shows up he surprises us by letting us know we are taking a test that consists of the cases that we were assigned to last week. Crap. 

"Alright students settle down! Your test will last 3 hours, after that you are free to go home. I want you to explain the blood-work of the cases we saw last week, why were these levels elevated. Why did we decide to give Ms. Stevens this medication instead of the other? Please be as specific as you can and make sure to write down the diagnosis! You may start."

I stare at my test and start scribbling away.

"So what did you think of the test?" Izzy asks me as we walk to the coffee station.

"It was alright, I think we got lucky talking about our cases last night." We laugh as Luis walks over to us.

"What are you guys doing tonight?" he says as he grabs the cup of coffee out of my hand.

"Hey! Give it back!" I say as I try to reach the cup but fail as he raises it higher.

"We don't have anything planned yet."

"Then you should definitely come to Bohemios Cafe with me! It's open mic bachate night, it should be fun!"  

"We are in!" Izzy and I say in union as we look at eachother. 

When we arrive home its already 8 pm, which gives us exactly 2 hours to get ready. I take a quick shower and blow dry my hair, I turn on my hair straightener and fix my hair then I put on some quick make up. Once I'm done I look through my closet and find my red dress, I put it on and grab my black heels. The only thing I need to do is put on my red lipstick. Once done I do a final check in the mirror as I hear a honk outside. 

I step into Bohemios Cafe and see Louis standing by a table, he looks amazing. He turns around and welcoms both me and Izzy.

"You both look great" he says as we hear the music start playing in the background. He hands us a drink as I take a seat in one of the chairs, he takes Izzy's hand and leads her to the dance floor. I smile as she winks at me and the sound of the guitar makes me turn to look at the stage. 

"Wow." I say as i take in the sight before me, he was standing in the stage with his hand wrapped around the microphone. His eyes are closed as he pours out the lyrics to a song. 

"Ay una mujer, que domina mis sentidos con solo tocar mi piel.." His mouth formed into a smirk as he sees the line of girls that has formed in front of the stage to see him. He grabs one of the girls hands and pulls her up on stage, he keeps singing and I believe the girl is about to faint. He then places a soft kiss on the girls mouth and she squeals as he finishes singing his song. He then turns to the audience and bows down. I take sip out of my drink and as he comes back up our eyes meet, he smiles at me and I smile back and place my drink on the table. I feel a coldness on my legs and when I look down I realize I missed the table and my drink is now on my lap.

"Damn it!" I say getting up as the ice chips that were on my lap fall to the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2014 ⏰

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