Chapter 1

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(Personally, I'd like to burn this story and anything having to do with it. It's complete shit but it's still here because yall like it so much. Please understand that I wrote it when I was 11-12 and there will not be a sequel.)

I hugged my mom one more time before leaving with my brother.

"I love you honey." She said

"I love you too, Mom." I said

"Be careful."

"Mom, I'll be fine!"

"Drey, I just don't want you to get overwhelmed by this whole thing, you are only 12." she said

"She'll be fine, don't you trust me Mom?" Niall said from behind me, "Yeah I trust you, just don't kill my daughter!" she said.

"Why would I? I love my baby sister!" he said giving me a kiss on the cheek.

Niall and I were really close, defiantly closer than Greg and I. I was going on tour with him and I'm really excited. I get to be with my big brother ALL THE TIME NOW!!!

I hugged Greg while Niall hugged my mom.

We walked out the door and over to the car. I got into the passenger seat while Niall got into the drivers seat. Technically, Niall shouldn't be driving, since he didn't have his lisence yet, but I don't think he cares, which is a bad thing. If we get pulled over, I'll punch him.

I've never really left Mullingar, so this should be interesting.

"Are you excited?" Niall asked

I smiled and nodded, he laughed

"We're gunna fly to LA to meet the rest of the boys and see the tour bus." he informed me, I just nodded again. I looked out the window for the rest of the way to the airport.

Niall looked at me before exiting the car. "Do you have your passport?" He asked. I dug through my bag and pulled it out. I held it up and smiled my crooked- tooth smile. He laughed and got out of the car. We grabbed our bags and walked in.


I sat down in my seat and Niall sat next to me. I leaned my head on his shoulder. He kissed the top of my head. I pulled out my white iPhone and plugged my ear buds in. I hit play on "Mine" by Taylor Swift, the US version. I leaned my head back on Niall's shoulder and fell asleep.


"Drey, Drey wake up!" Niall said shaking me. I opened my eyes, I was already in the hotel. Niall carried me through the airport? How? I still had to go through security and everything too!

"You carried my through the airport?" I asked

"Well yeah, you wouldn't wake up for me on the plane!"

"I'm sorry."

"You should be! It was extremely difficult!"

"I love you!"

"Love you too." he said with an annoyed look on his face.

I put my head back on my pillow and covered myselft up with my favorite blanket. "Don't go back to sleep! I'M BORED!!!!" Niall yelled at me.

"I'M TIRED!!" I yelled back.

"NO!!!" he yelled picking me up over his shoulder. I was still wrapped in a blanket so if he drops me, I'll punch him.

He ran into an open door where I saw Liam standing next to the door.

"LIAM!!" I yelled. Niall dropped me on the bed and I got up and ran over to Liam. I gave him a hug, "Hey Drey!" He said. I really only knew Liam, I know the rest of the boys, but I haven't really hung out with them.

"So how's life beautiful?" he asked me, Niall gave him a look.

"Great! I'm so happy I get to be here with you guys!" I said leaning back and doing my weird laugh, I looked at Niall who was looking at me like I was a complete idiot, that just made me laugh harder.

"Why, WHY, would you give her sugar?" Liam asked

"Because it's funny to see her go crazy!" Niall said.

I stopped and gave him a serious look, just so I could annoy him

"You're mean!" He said crossing his arms and pouting, like he was 2.

"That's mah job!"

Liam just looked at us and shook his head


Yeah the first chapter is short....

But I hope you guys like it and the rest of the story!

Read my other Niall Horan fanfic : Niall Makes Me Smile

And I'm gunna have a few more up soon, about Louis and Liam...

And I will also soon have Harry and Zayn too, so don't fret, they're comin' calm down fellow Directioner! :)

Comment, Vote, Fan!! xxx


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