Cuddles With Daddy

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Varian entered the suite, tired beyond belief. It had been awhile since he'd had a nice, long nap-- it had only been a month since he and Cassandra had brought Trystan home, and between his work and his family, he'd hardly had a moment of downtime-- and he was just itching to get to lay down for a little bit. He opened the door to the bedroom and smiled when he saw Cass asleep, sprawled out across the bed. At the foot of the bed was the cradle that had been made for Trystan by Xavier. Trystan was fast asleep in said cradle, resting her pudgy hands on her face.

He took a step forward and the floor creaked. Trystan's eyes opened and she scrunched her face up like she was about to cry. Varian knelt down to scoop the young infant into his arms, holding her close to his chest as he began to make his way back into the foyer. He stared down at the beautiful baby girl, mesmerized by the beautiful, tiny details of her face. Every single time he held her, he couldn't stop staring at her. He loved her. True, she wasn't necessarily his to love, but still...

He sat down on the couch, letting her rest her tiny head on his shoulder. He could feel her tiny fingers grasping at the collar of his shirt, trying to find ahold. He gently ran his fingers up and down her back, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of her head before laying down, resting her on his chest. Trystan's eyes fluttered a little and she let out a tiny, tired coo before closing them again and falling fast asleep.

Varian smiled a little, resting his hands on Trystan's back. "I love you, Trystan."

And he fell asleep, too.

Unbeknownst to him, though, he had a spectator standing in the bedroom door. Cassandra gave a soft chuckle and smiled to herself, crossing the room to kiss both her daughter and her husband before throwing a blanket over them and going back to the bedroom.

Baby Steps: Trystan ElyzabethWhere stories live. Discover now