Bellwood Academy.

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Sorry for not publishing anything for a while, I have been a bit busy with my brothers wedding :)

A new year at Bellwood Academy. This year was going to be great. We get to pick our own subjects at school; no more stupid human subjects for the rest of my life. That’s right I’m not human. I am a Fairy, Forest Fairy to be specific. This year wasn’t going to be spent doing boring maths and english, instead I could go into learning more in depth alchemy and forest studies. Alchemy is the study of making various potions to cause different effects, e.g. mending wounds a causing damage. Forest studies is the study of everything to do with the forest and when I say everything I mean it. At Bellwood you can choose from 4000 subjects to study for your last 3 years (Bellwood lasts 2 years longer than human school). You can pick maximum 10 subject and minimum 1 subject to study for your last years.

 I awoke at the early time of 6:30 AM. A buzz of energy was flowing through my body; I was very excited about my new year at school. With a jolt of energy I jumped out of my bed. Quickly, I flew out of my door carried by my wings. I flew straight through my kitchen and out of my front door. Behind me stood a grand oak tree, the Grand Oak Tree, the home for all the forest fairies of Gern Fully. Thousands of branches weaved within each other, said to be a reincarnation of each fairy who had lost their life. Bright orange leaves acting as the tree’s mane. Next to the tree stood a bench, no one sat on that bench, it was unused, unloved. Legend says that ‘He who dares to sit on it, dares to light up the darkness’. Weird saying if you ask me.

 The air was crisp and cool. A sweet sent of pollen filled my nostrils, it was a companied by the smell of damp soil. The sound of laughter came from a far. I ducked behind a nearby branch hoping not to be seen. Two teenagers emerged from the distance. One had striking red hair and royal purple eyes, the other had bright white hair and bright green eyes. Both stood talking to each other. I could make out the odd word here and there. They kept saying things like ‘our destiny’ and ‘chosen ones’. All of a sudden a hand clasped itself on my shoulder. I froze in terror.

 “Bloom get back inside!”. My aunt shouted at me.

 My parents died when I was five. They were killed by Tyranus, an evil man who kills anyone who tries to fight the darkness. The darkness is a monster that lives in your nightmares, everyone fears him, no one stands up to him and those who do anything he doesn’t like are killed e.g. my parents.

 “Get in now! I’m not telling you again!” She ear deafeningly screamed.

 I did as she told and slowly flapped my way back inside with my green fairy dust trail following behind me.

 It was two hours before I had to leave for school. My best friend Twinkle Toes came to pick me up. She was nicknamed Twinkle Toes because she is very quick and light on her feet, also if she wins anything she has to do her glory dance. Twinkle Toes is a werewolf, she has frizzy back combed blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes.At the bottom of the tree she waited. In her wolf from she stood, her wolf form looked like your average wolf except a little more muscular and a lot taller; the average wolf stood at 5.5ft tall. I flew down onto her back looking dwarfed in the sea of fur. A 4 inch fairy looks like a speck on a 5.5ft wolf. On we ran to school, well Twinkle Toes ran I just held on.

 We reached the school after about 10 minuets. It was the same as it was when we left it in July. Twinkle Toes headed off to the changing rooms to get changed, due to human clothes not fitting her in wolf form. I left her to it and found my other friends. Flash, my centurion ex-maths buddy, was the first person I found. He had long brown hair that was always style into a wind swept look, he never wore a shirt because apparently cenataurs don’t do that. His horse half was a chestnut brown colour with thick leg muscles.

 We headed of into school, headed off to what would be the best year of school so far. A nice normal year doing my most favourite subjects. Nothing would take this away from me.   

Enjoy Courteney <3 xx

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2012 ⏰

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