Chapter9: First Shenanigans

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- Malfoy, Nott, I have to talk to you. Follow me.

The tone refused any discussion and Theodore finally moved, ready to obey.

This was not the case with Draco.

Alexander was upset. He could not move and he was snubbed by this newcomer, as rude as Mathew by the way. Theodore, whom he had thought capable of thinking, was about to follow him and Draco remained there. And he easily guessed the reason for his friend's refusal. He protected him, he was afraid for him. This was in his way of forming a ridiculous barrier between the older ones and him, as if he feared a new spell. How dare he? He could fend for himself. He did not need anyone. He was going to show them to everyone.

Anger invaded him, the magic vibrated in his veins. He felt her beating to the rhythm of his heart and could have just reveled in this sensation without the rage that was invading him little by little. He did not think it was strange that three times his magic was boiling like that, even though she had been quiet for most of those years. He does not choose prudence and hindsight.

He had not fallen. Alexander had not found himself on the ground in the shock of the spell. It could only mean one thing, a little will, and he would free himself.

- Bad faith ?

Draco was watching the brown boy, who was to be called Higgs. He could not follow him, he did not want to. He would not let Alexander alone in front of his new comrades, petrified, when he had just provoked them. A shiver ran through him but he did not pay attention, too focused on the other students.

Blaise Zabini was rubbing the back of his head, frowning, he was observing this little carousel with an outside eye. Decidedly, Hogwarts was starting strong. He had quickly realized that it was better to be a friend of Alexander Black than an enemy. To see the attitude of others, it was not their case. Everyone was staring at Draco Malfoy and Higgs, not him.

He was looking at his comrade, wondering why he had not fallen. All of her mother's lovers always fell when she cast that spell on them.

He was the first to observe a strange phenomenon and ended up smiling happily. No, he was not wrong, Alexander Black was really the man to follow at Slytherin.

As Higgs began to get impatient, the temperature dropped sharply by several degrees. An icy wind passed through the students, as if attracted and stoked by a student. It gradually turned into gusts, more and more violent, while frantic murmurs escaped from the crowd.

Draco blanched. If he had upset his friend, he was going to spend a hell of a quarter of an hour ... Never had Alexander used his magic against him. In fact, the only time he had seen her attack, Sophia was concerned.

She was then four years old and they were nine. It was one of those mornings when the young lady refused to work on her Russian lessons, on the pretext that she was tired of her "dreams". Katrina had punished him in the worst way possible. It was the most extreme punishment the princess had to endure. It was cruel, inhuman. From Alexander's point of view. Katrina had confiscated the girl her favorite soft toy: an enchanted boa named "Croctout". The child sobbed without restraint, suffering from this separation that had lasted for a few moments. The mother sighed, showed signs of exasperation, and struggled to remind her that she had no right to bring him to his lesson anyway. Neither Draco nor she had felt the attack coming. Alexander, as possessed had decided to put an end to the sufferings of his sister and brutally, his magic was released and precipitated towards his mother.

She had stopped the charge in a few moments, no more than a second could be. But during that second she had taken a step back, no one had ever pulled her back. The surprise had played, inevitably, but that did not explain everything. Katrina Romanov was the most powerful witch Draco knew, and by then he had realized that Alexander would one day be his equal, if not more.

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