Chapter8: Hogwarts

Start from the beginning

- Ohhhhhhhh!

Alexander did not lower himself to say "Oh," but his breath was cut off by this sight. Hogwarts stood at their sight, separated from them by a wide lake, whose waters reflected the light of the stars of that night of the first of September. The castle was impressive, majestic yet secure. Its high towers pierced the sky and the windows of the building, illuminated certainly by candles, illuminated it subtly. Certainly accustomed to the reaction, Hagrid took them out of their contemplation.

- In the boats, no more than four in each, let's go.

Draco and Alexander headed for a free boat, they were leaving when two boys approached.

- Hello, I'm Blaise Zabini and here is Theodore Nott. Can we ride with you?

Alexander was going to pick them up in their own way (who was this?) But his cousin's elbow stopped him.

- Delighted, I am Draco Malfoy, son of Lord Lucius Malfoy and here is Alexander Black, my cousin, son of Lord Sirius Black. We will welcome you willingly.

The "son of Lord Sirius Black" just shrugged and stepped into their boat. The two newcomers noticed each other uncomfortably, but took their place behind Draco, who had joined his friend. The beginning of the crossing was silent, until Blaise spoke again.

- I beg you to excuse me for my manners. I did not know who you were. I hope you will not make false ideas about me.

Alexander turned around and Blaise realized he was gauging them.

Blaise was an ebony-skinned boy, tall, as tall as a third year. His eyes lit up his face, even though his eyes were glowing with discomfort. His outfit showed that he belonged to at least one big family. It was quite ordinary, but he had noticed his mistake and had the courage to apologize, which was not so common. Theodore was smaller, about the size of Draco, so taller than Alexander, like just about every child of his age he had met. Brown, with hazel eyes, he watched silently, the sound of his voice was still unknown to them. Alexander loved this kind of person, who does not speak to say nothing and who takes the time to know his environment before speaking. The two boys could be interesting, better to forgive.

- It's forgotten.

At that moment, they realized that contrary to their first impression, it was not Draco Malfoy that needed to be impressed, but his cousin, Alexander Black, a stranger to all English families. All the witch elite had noted the withdrawal of the Malfoys in recent years. Little by little, they had moved away from the mundane world for no apparent reason. Some had made the connection with the kidnapping of Harry Potter who was in fact a Black, but to imagine a reconciliation between Sirius Black and Lucius Malfoy was delusional. Yet, to see the way of acting of the two cousins, there was no doubt that their links were strong.

The atmosphere relaxed and the boys began to chat. Their main concern was of course the distribution. They were in a hurry to finally know their future home, their home in Hogwarts. Theodore and Alexander spoke little, leaving their companions to lead the debate.

Soon they were able to get off boats and were guided in a huge hall, while passing through a small corridor. The children watched, impressed, this castle which was going to be their main home for seven years. A large staircase stood in front of them, the walls were filled with paintings which, to the astonishment of Muggle-born children, were fiercely discussing the supposed value of the new students. Medieval armor completed the decoration, as well as dozens of torches, illuminating the sides of the room. The first fifty years lodged easily in this hall, without feeling as tight as an owl in his cage. Alexander and Draco were still in the company of Blaise and Theodore. Black's son, however, no longer listened to the conversation, his eyes scanning the room, watching his comrades. Draco glanced at him, watching his reactions. Thus he stopped his sentence when he saw his friend frown and the features of the latter hardened violently. He was talking with Blaise about Quidditch teams, a subject that Alexander never addressed because he was not interested in the sport, but immediately turned away from his interlocutor.

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