the story of a child who was never enough

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It all started when I was five I had never heard a fight and never saw my mom cry. I heard a bang from the down stairs and heard my brother cry. My mom raced up the stairs with the look of fear in her eyes. My dad on the other hand also can up stairs and had the look of hatred in his eyes this was first time I got hit with the belt back then I thought it was a spanking. He'd miss my but and hit my lower back and thighs I'd cry then he'd say " I never wanted to her my babygurl" I'm 15 now my names malia dales and I've been through a lot because of my father . And I'm writing this book because maybe someone will finally care.

Let's go back a view years

I was 9 my parents were fighting and I knew it was bad. But one day I overheard my dad on the phone he was telling a person to loosen my moms tire on her car this I didn't want to believe but the next day when she picked me up from school her tire flew off and we got in a crash that should of killed us. I finally realized my dad wasn't normal and we didn't have Normal family. My mom got depersed and my dad refused to pay for medicine he wanted it for more important stuff like buying guns and knifes and getting tattoos. Soon after my mom left in the middle of the night with my aunt (back then I believed she lifted me and didn't love me anymore since this is what was fed into my mind) my dad called her "a missing person" my aunt came and tried to talk to us about my mom and my dad didn't let her see us. He didn't let us get any calls nor letter nor visits from my moms side of the family. Then I heard him talking about the car again and "why it didn't work" when he realized I was listening he took a knife and through me agienst the wall put the knife to my neck threatened my life if I told he'd kill me. He cut my neck and it started gush blood. It hurt and I began to cry my dad just walked away. I put bandages on my neck and cleaned up my own blood while my dad sits there and watches cops and eats donuts and he'd randomly look at me and smile like he was proud of what he did. My brother was at my dads friends house playing with his son at the moment when he got home my father told him a dog scratched me (yea right a dag strached me but yet we dont own a dog i thought to my self) i rember he gave me these small blueish pills i took he told me "there make it stop hurting and make it heal faster honney" i took one every six hours and i rember feeling very.....dizzy and light headed and i slept alot i slept almost the whole day away sometimes . i had a scared but he bought scar cream and made me use it every two hours. finally i saw my mom but by then my father brain washed me to believe she left me and i hated her for this so i didnt really talk to her i sat there upset and depressed getting home that night my dad said "were having family night with mrs rachel and milly" milly was my bestfriend and her mom was my "babysitter" but i practically live at her house i stay over night and it got to the point where the bus driver would know to pick me up there well that night it was me my dad my brother mill her mom and grandfather we were all watching movies for a good time and then me and milly decided to head to bed she saw the small scar that was still there and she could tell it was from no dog. she asked my dad and my dad pulled her out side and she came back with fear in her eyes and she never questione my father again to be honest soon after she began to hate me and we stopped going over there and then her mom atempted to kill herslef and milly message me and said it was bc my dad made her mom believe thay were in a relationship and then he just picked up and left. i questioned my father about this and his only reply was "shes crazy just like your mother" i was surprised at this for normal my dad dosent like talking bout my mom because accoring to him "she fucked up our lifes" i had a dog and he was my only friend id lay in my moms old bed and wed both just sit there and cry adn cry adn cry and wish shed just come adn rescue us from my dad.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2014 ⏰

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