Chapter 1- Moving day

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"Today's the big day!" Skylar's mom yelled down to her

"what?" Skylar mumbles to herself. It was 2 o'clock in the morning and she was already getting up. Skylar slowly got up and she headed down stairs.

"What the hell why am I already awake? its still dark outside mom."

"don't you dare cuss young ladie! and also because you have to be at the airport in 3 hours and meet with Jesse."

Skylar's eyes opened wide and she started running to go get a bowl of cereal.

"Mom I'm going to be late!"

"No your not."

Skylar scarfed down her bowl of cereal and ran up stairs to go throw on an outfit. She decided she needed to wear somthing nice so when she gets there her first impressions are good. Skylar decided to wear leggings with a nice shirt. She put a sweater on top because it was usually cold at airports. Skylar grabbed her bags and jumped into her mom's car. Skylar's mom started driving and that's when she got a call from Jesse.

"Hey, so our flight was delayed 30 minutes, so no need to rush to the airport! well I guess I will see you there!"

"Okay bye!" Skylar hung up and her mom slowed the car down to the speed limit. Skylar showed up at the airport and her mom jumped out and hugged her and said have fun. Skylar grabbed her Baggs from the trunk and her mom drove away. She grabbed her phone out of her pocket and called Jesse.


"Ahhhhhh!" Skylar turned around and saw Jesse and her sister kaiti. "You just scared the shit out of me! Thanks guys!"

Jesse and Kaiti laughed and they walked into the airport. They got to security. They forgot to buy their security passes. "Ladies I'm afraid you need to go back and buy your passes"

"passes? What passes?! We just waited in this long line and now we need passes?"

"you know what just go thru." the ladie held a thumbs up and they went thru security. The 3 girls walked into starbucks and grabbed a coffee. They walked over to their airplane and they sat on the black benches to get on the airplane.

"I'm soo excited" stated kaiti

"me too!!" replied Jesse and Skykar.

"flight to California LA boarding in 20 minutes, flight to California LA boarding in 20 minutes." said a ladie over an intercom

The girls talked about how much fun they were going to have, and how excited they were to go.

"Hopefully we will meet some hot boys!" Said kaiti with a grin on her face.

"hahaha your so funny" said Jesse slapping her sisters leg.

"Flight to California LA boarding time, flight to California LA boarding time."

Jesse, Skylar, and Kaiti all got into the line to board the plane.

"Ohhh I'm so excited!" Said Skylar jumping up and down.

"me too!" eeked Jesse. They all handed the ladie at the desk their tickets and they. boarded the plane.

soon enough they were off the plane and they were walking to find there luggage. Jesse saw 4 boys running and one ran into Skylar.

"Sorry, Sorry, Sorry..." said a boy with brown eyes and hair and he kept running. The 3 other boys came running by after. One boy with blonde hair and bright blue eyes stopped and told Skylar

"Hey, are you okay, sorry about my friend, he's reckless, he's a drummer, obviously that's why."

"Yeah I'm fine he just bumped my shoulder." Skylar's backpack was lying on the floor from the boy running into her. The boy with Blonde hair bent down and grabbed her backpack and handed it to her.

"like I said I'm sorry..." The boy paused. "Damn your pretty..." the boy whispered.

"What? sorry I couldn't hear you?" Jesse and Kaiti were already over whispering about how Skylar and this boy were going to have a one night stand.

The other two boys came back and pulled the boy with blonde hair back and told him to run.

Skylar look to her left and there was a bunch of people with cameras running after them and a bunch of screaming girls. She ran out of the way of that mess.

"Ohhh girl, you better hope you see that boy around here again." said Jesse laughing. They headed to find there luggage. There the boys were again but with men with black suits around them. Now they all had glasses on their faces. They looked like they were trying trying to hide from the law or somthing.

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