" Like shit."

She slapped my arm, " There are other words to describe it."

I chuckled, " Sorry ma. She doesn't even want to talk to me."

" She will come around, just give her some time."

I sighed, " I'm trying. I'm so dumb I should of told her when I signed the papers."

My mom nodded, " She loves you and I know you love her. Love is a crazy thing mijo."

" Amen to that."

I remember when Lily was drunk and said she loved me. Of course I love her but I don't want to say it right now because she's going to feel like I'm using that to my advantage.

She got of my bed, " You stink. If you want her to come around take a shower."

I laughed but she was right, I been laying around like a bum since that night. She left the room and I went to my bathroom to turn on the water.


I let it ring because it wasn't anyone I want to talk too.

I got in the shower and let the hot water run over my body. I stayed like that for awhile just thinking. I finally got out and put a towel over my waist and walked into my room. I grabbed my phone to check what time it was and holy shit!

She called!

Wait what if it was an accident? Shit! I should of picked it up.

I called her back and it rang. Please pick up!

" Hello."

I couldn't even speak it wasn't an accident.

" Princess?"

" Hi."

" You called me back."

She chuckled, " I did."

" I love you. Oh shit I'm sorry."

What the hell Hunter?! Just run her away for good.

" Umm... can we talk?"

" Of course."

My baby finally wants to talk to me. The feeling I have right now.

" Where do you want to meet at?"

" Can I pick you up if that's okay?"

" Sure."

" Okay I will be there in 10."

" Okay."

" See you then."

" See you then."


I don't know what I did to deserve someone like her but I'm so lucky I found her and I will be a fool if I let her walk away from me. I know I did a stupid thing and by stupid thing I mean not telling her but I plan to fix it.

" Mom!"

" Ma!"

I heard footsteps running upstairs.


The door swung opened and she had a knife," What is it?!"

I laughed, " Sorry I didn't mean to scare you but Lily just called."

She just stared at me probably debating if she should stab me with the knife. And then she spoke.

" Aww that is so good! I'm happy for you but if you yell like that again I'm going to beat your butt."

Possessive Much ?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें