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September 22 2016

Hi diary! Hah! Why am I crying? Hahaha... okay okay... calm down Jungkook... ehem*

So... my day was... Bad... because Irene... embarassed me infront of my Schoolmates... she revealed that me and his Boyfriend are Engaged... and she even accused me seducing Taehyung!!! And this whole day, everyone bullied me! Laughed at me, thrown things at me... please... I don't want this kind of Treatment... please...


Why is this page seemed like have been soaked in water? Could it be... his... tears....? Did he wrote this while crying?

Gosh Tae! Why are you do you care?! Gosh!


Dear Diary, Kth*JjkWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt