“There was no need to rush. Ella doesn’t want us coming until three.”

   Joshua sighed and dropped himself into the chair. The three watched or at least tried to watch the TV until three o’clock then they all drove to the hospital.

   Drew was sitting in the waiting room when he saw his three kids come in. He laughed to himself at their anxious faces. “You would think you were the one having the baby!” he said to Lyric as she sat next to him. She just smiled and continued thinking. Drew was also very excited but he wished it were Ella that was having the baby right now.  They had been waiting for another 2 hours when finally Ella came out. Drew smiled at the sight of his wife. Her auburn hair was piled in a messy bun on top of her head, she was dressed in sweats and her stomach was swollen the size of a watermelon. She looked tired but very happy. Everyone looked at her with anxious looks.

 Ella smiled and announced “Kate and Blair are doing well.”

  The family was ecstatic. Sarah and Drew both jumped to give Ella a hug, Joshua stood and smiled, and Lyric ran to hug him. Then the questions started arriving.

 “How big is she?”

 “What’s her middle name?”

 “What time was she born?”

 “Whoa! Hold on guys Ella is tired and talking all at once won’t help.” Drew said leading his wife to a chair “She we will answer when she is ready.”

 “I’m fine Drew. Her full name is Blair Dakota Arden. She weighs 8lbs 4oz. and is 19 inches long. She was born at 4:30 pm.”

 “When can we see her?” Sarah asked

 “In a little bit she is still recovery and needs rest.”

 “So Kate decided to give Blair her last name?” Drew asked

“Yes, Kaden hasn’t even spoken to Kate since finding out she was pregnant.  Kate and I talked it over and it seemed the wise thing to do.”

  The family talked for awhile and prayed together thanking God for allowing Blair’s delivery to be an easy one. And for keeping both Mother and Baby safe. When it was time for Kate to except visitors Lyric went in first. She walked down the hall and knocked on Kate’s door.

 “Come in.” she heard Kate say. She walked in and smiled there in Kate’s arms was Blair.  

 “Want to hold her?” Kate asked holding Blair out for Lyric to hold.

“Oh Kate she is beautiful!” Lyric felt tears running down her face as she gazed at the newborn in her arms.  “How are you?”

 “Great! Well as great as you can be after having a baby!” Kate laughed “How is everyone else?”

 “Good and anxious to see you. Which means I probably should let Sarah come see you.”

 “Yeah probably.  Too bad this hospital only allows one visitor at a time.”

“Yeah that does stink but I am sure we will all get more than our fair share of time with you and Blair!” Lyric said laughing. She reluctantly handed Blair back.

 “Love you Kate see you when you get home!”

 “Love you too! Tell Jason Hi for me.”

  At the mention of Jason she felt sad “I really need to call him and apologize!” She thought as she backed out of the room. And she continued to tell herself this as the days went by. Christmas break came right after Blair’s birth and the Wrights were busy helping take care of mother and child. Two weeks after Blair’s birth Ella went into labor. The routine went much quicker as the family had been through it only two weeks before. The four kids sat in the waiting room together. Lyric, who was holding Blair, led them in prayer. Five hours after going into labor Ella delivered a baby. Drew walked out with tears running down his face.

 “It is a Girl!” He announced. “Rosemary Lyric. She weighs 7 lbs 5oz and is 21 inches long.” He looked at Lyric with a smile.

 “She has my middle name?” Lyric asked surprised

 “Ella wanted her to have your name to show you how much you mean to her.”

  For Ella to name her daughter after Lyric meant a lot to her. The family celebrated the birth of Rosemary and Blair for the rest of the month and soon it was time for Sarah and Lyric to get back to school.

     Lyric planned out all she was going to say to Jason on her way to school. When she arrived there was no sign of him. “Hmm that’s odd?” she thought “Maybe he is sick.”  She got to English class and sat down everyone was oddly quiet she wondered why. Sitting in front of her was Lydia Casper she decided to ask if she had seen Jason.

“Hey Lydia.” She said. Lydia turned around to face her Lyric noticed she had tears in her eyes and she looked scared. Lyric wondered why “What is going on?” she thought “Am I the only one who doesn’t know what’s happening?” 

“Have you seen Jason lately?” she asked Lydia.

 Lydia turned pale and answered, her voice quivering “You-You haven’t heard?” she asked.

 Lyric started to feel scared “No” she answered

“Oh Lyric! Jason is missing he went missing yesterday they think he was kidnapped.”

  Lyric felt her throat close up and her stomach turn “Kidnapped?” she thought “No, No it can’t be.” She swallowed a sob and closed her eyes. She felt dizzy and the world around her seemed to spin, darkness slowly closed in.

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