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Carnivals *shivers*

        Carnivals are basically for homeless people. End of story.

If you wanna waste all your money on jigged games and tickets that cost like 2000 bucks, GO TO THE CARNIVAL. If you wanna go on rides that make you give your tickets to some child pedophile, by all means go for it. I only go to these 'so-called-carnivals' for the FOOD (Funnel Cake)

What am trying to say is, their is no way in HELL that I would go to a Carnival for fun. All those people with rat smelling breath, yellow teeth, and trashbags for clothing...yeah, no. Carnivals are meant to be for familes to get together and have a night of fun. NOT SOME TRASHY ASS DUMPSTER FOR HOMELESS PEOPLE TO SQUAT!

I'm serious those people have no goes something like this:

You're walking into the carnival, pretty much getting lung cancer from all the smoke and some gangster walks up to you...

Gangster: *Spits on ground* Can I borrow some money?

You: Umm...I'm deaf. Bye. 

So there you go

If you are one of those people who actually LIKES going to the carnival. Go to the doctor cause you might have lung cancer from all that smoke which is making you fluffin insane.


Unless you wanna get mauled a 1980's superstar who got kicked out because he banged too many unicorns.

Good day to you.

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