
We left the room at the kunoichi's insistence, and she emerged a moment later looking uncomfortable.

"Let's just get this over with," she sulked, her head hanging as she started down the stairs.

I almost fell down the stairs laughing as Irishi walked by the stairs, having glanced up. His eyes bugged, and I think his nose may have been bleeding...

"Y-you look good, Cap'," he mumbled.

She blushed.


"To us," Akina laughed, coming down beside her.

I looked at the stairs. "Nah," I climbed onto the banister and slid down.

"Cheater," Akina accused as I crashed into Irishi, knocking him down but managing to stay on my feet for it.

"Oops... Sorry. And it's called laziness," I retorted cheerily, bouncing toward the door as Akina dragged Gerilynn after us. "Let's go!"

Giving Irishi a small wave, I stepped outside with the other two.

"This is going to be so much fun! I love you, Whisper!" Akina squealed happily.

"O-kay... Where's the first stop?" I asked.

"Well...We could go over to the hot springs for the day. I have a relative who can get us into the spa for free," she offered, gripping her friend's arm tightly to keep her from escaping.

"Okay. Sounds good," I smiled, linking my arm through Gerilynn's free one and commencing skipping down the road, Akina steering.

I laughed at all of the strange and shocked looks we got.

By the time we arrived at the spa, the blonde was growling continuously, her face slightly red.

We all walked in, Akina greeting her friend and gaining access for us all. We skipped again to the lockers, swiftly changing.

A few minutes later, we were soaking happily in the hot water, the pools blessedly empty thanks to the early hour.

"I can't believe you're doing this to me..." Gerilynn grumbled, her arms crossed and shoulders hunched.

"Oh come on! This isn't relaxing at all?!" I whined, sinking lower in the water, up to my nose.

"...Well...I'm kind of naked...I feel exposed..." she sulked.

"You wouldn't if you would just relax and enjoy the water. You can't tell me it doesn't feel good on your muscles," Akina argued.

"It's working for me," I tilted my head back enough to be able to speak, my eyes closed.

The blonde sighed, but the tension in her shoulders eased slightly and she sank deeper into the water

"Mmm... Someone get rid of the perv on the wall," I murmured, watching a face disappear.

Gerilynn's face suddenly went livid.

"I got this." She made several quick handsigns, and a moment later there was a screech of pain from the other side of the wall, a figure flying across the village as though thrown.

"Mmmm..." I sunk lower into the pool, relaxing as the man was gone.

A while later, we all got back out and changed again, wanting to get out before any other woman arrived.

"So, next?" I asked Akina curiously.

"Well, noow I think we need to cool down. Let's get ice-cream!" she grinned, hooking arms with Gerilynn, who now looked a bit happier.

He saved me (A Kakashi Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now