
"No...that can be right, I was just with him...was that a few days ago?" Shinomiya asked himself outloud.

"Why can't I remember anything?" He stretched his head on frusation until he felt a bump on his head.

Standing up as he looked in the mirror he saw a huge scar running across his sculpt has he parted his hair line. The scar was thick and had completely turn white as he measured   two figure lengths of the scar.

"Since when did this happen?"

It was clear that Shinomiya had some kind of head trauma in captivity. But what had happen to Shinomiya to cause suvh a head injury still remained a mystery.

He walked back into the kitchen as he appeared his parents who stood whispering to eachother. They had stopped and turn to Shinomiya as if they had knew he came to tell them something important,"Mom, Dad...I have a scar," he began.

At first his parents just listened as he said,"Just in the bathroom I saw it," he said as he parted his hairline to show them the large scar on his head,"...and I can't remember anything since...Riku," he then looked up,"how is Riku Satoshi?"

His parents turned to eachother,"Riku Satoshi, had moved...a while ago."

"What does that mean?" Shinomiya asked.


Shinomiya sat on the couch with his parents on each side of him as they flipped the screen on the TV, "we recorded every broadcast news reports regarding your kidnapping," his father said.

"When Riku Satoshi was found his mother didn't want his name being broadcast in the media," His mother said,"However, they had provided an address, and a phone number for you, but that's not all," his mother had left the room and came back with a bag and a box,"this bag here, are letters from your close friends, including Riku," she said as she handed him the bag of letters and post cards. "This box are letters from thousands of people who prayed for your safe return," she said.

"....really?" Shinomiya said. It was all strange to hear yet, comforting.

"If you like, you can spend the day relaxing and if you want to, tomorrow we can take you to the Hospital for your head," his father then chimed in.

"Yeah," Shinomiya said, but his eyes were glued to those letters in the bag.

"I'm gonna go read these in my room," Shinomiya said as he took the bag and walked into his room, when suddenly the thought of Thor entered his mind.

How could I have forgotten about Thor, I'm just an idoit. However, he already had thought the worst about his pet lizard.

He had organized the letters by dates and by people. The frist stack of letters were by Riku, then Serinuma,  Iragashi, Mitsumi and Nishina, and  Nanashima.

The frist letter was the oldest one.

Dear Shinomiya,
   The only thing that would kept me sane was to write to you in hopes that you would be able to read this some day. Even if it's just for my own selfness, I need closure. I wanted to tell you in letter what I couldn't tell you in person, and that was that I'm alive and well. And it was all thanks to you!

Not a day that goes by that I pray for your safety and wish for your rescue or escape. But if you made it out alive, just know that you will always be apart of me as I hope I am apart of you. Our time in the bunker we've spent may not be the best moments but I was glad to be spending them with you.

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