"She's your friend. You should trust her right?" he asked. "I should but this secret it's not mine to tell. I won't even tell Angie and she's like my sister. I know it sounds mean but I care about you guys too. You and Matthew are the two most important guys in my life beside my daddy" I explained confidently. "Well that's a good sign Cyd, you won't reveal anything about us to the public if you wouldn't tell me if I was human" we both turned to look at Sierra by the staircase. Cydney's mouth dropped open. "Sierra, don't tell me... wait you are also a..."

"Yes I'm also a vampire" Sierra pointed out smiling. "Is that why you know everything?" Cyd asked. "I don't exactly know everything but yeah I know a lot of things" she laughed. "Well this is quite amazing. I wish I knew about this sooner because my life would have been better. I wouldn't have felt so left out" Cyd crossed her legs. "It's not safe for you to know about us" William pointed out. "I know. I'll be fine but when will Angie know?"

"I'll tell Angie when I'm ready. She needs to be ready as well. Vampires can sense if their true love is ready to know about vampires. No one can sense that better than me though. Pete's a really smart man mentally. He can tell how people's feeling so that's how I can now. Matthew was very stubborn. He wanted to talk to you and tell you so long ago. I wouldn't let him near you because I knew you weren't ready at the time. Yesterday I realize that you might be ready so I told Matthew to tell you"

"That's quite interesting" Sierra added. "Yeah, is Blake a vampire too?" Cyd asked Sierra. "He is" "How did you get turned then?" Cydney turned her full attention to Sierra. "Well your love, Matthew turned me. Patrick Stump, this leader that also lives in Chicago, told me about vampires. His friend, Ryan was in love with me. He said that I was his true love. I never felt the same way about him even as a human girl. If I don't feel the same then the true love wasn't meant to be. Patrick got so mad at me that he told me when I shouldn't have known so he decided to kill me"

"So Patrick Stump killed me and left me on the streets of Chicago. Luckily for me, Matthew found me and brought me back. He knew I was dying so he made me drink down some of his blood and when I died, I was a vampire. I still lived up to this day. I was only 17 then which was a young age but I had no other choice. Ryan jeopardized my life and made me what I am. I am forever in dept with Matthew for taking me here. Matthew was in Pete's clan so when Matthew turned me, I'm in Pete's clan as well. Of course, I would serve for him. I loved my time there. To this day, I still wanted revenge on Ryan"

"But Matthew kicked Ryan's ass the other day" William smirked at Sierra. "He deserves to get his ass kicked" "How did you meet Blake?" Cydney continued to ask questions. "I met Blake when I was trying out for a band. He was the guitar player. When I walked in that room, I knew that he's my true love. When I sang, he kept looking at me. He's the one for me. But his band mates didn't like me that much. Blake somehow convinced them to accept me in the band. I dated him for almost a year before I told him about vampires"

"He agreed to become one because he loved me that much. And I gave him my blood. Last year, Cassadee and Jersey killed him so he's a vampire as well" Sierra shrugged. "So you were turned three years ago?" Cydney asked. "Yeah, when I was turned, I promised Matthew to do one thing for him and it was to move in with you so I could help him protect you. He found out about you a few weeks before he turned me so it was convenient. You had a big house and I wanted to live with you. You let me so we're both good. I also found out that you were a nice person and we got along pretty well didn't we?" Cyd nodded.

"Is Hayley's clan the only threat to you guys?" Cydney asked William, "Well mostly. Pete never wanted to feud with any other clans. But he had to feud with Hayley. Her brother wanted Mina. Mina was Pete's true love as well as Hayley's brothers. But Mina loved Pete best which made her brother mad. Hayley of course wasn't the leader at that time. Her brother was the leader. But her brother and Pete fought and Pete won. When Hayley's brother died, he gave all his powers to Hayley and now she's trying to make us miserable because of Pete. I don't blame Pete for this threat because it's over true love. I'd fight anyone or take any consequences for Angie, you know that"

"Zacky's a vampire too I assume" the two vampires nodded. "Who turned him?" "There was a vampire named Jimmy Sullivan. He was also a leader but he died a while ago. A clan in Canada murdered him because he tried to steal the leader's girl so never mess with a clan leader's girl" William explained. "That sucks" Cydney bit her lips. "But you never mess with Adam Gontier. He's really strong and his clan is very well trained" Sierra added. "So do you guys need blood to survive?"

"Technically we do because we're vampires. We prefer to drink from animals because it doesn't hurt humans. Some clans rather feed on human. Hayley's clan depend their lives on human blood" William said. "Wow, that sounds quite interesting" William then got up from the sofa. "Cydney, I think you should go to sleep now. We talked enough today. If you have anymore questions, ask Matthew. I just wish you try to sleep tonight"

It's really hard to sleep after you've learned that your best friends are actually vampires. Cydney didn't even know how she'd manage the night. But she got up from her seat and walked to her bedroom, hoping to catch some sleep tonight.

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