2: yours or mine?

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heyyyyy bishes its me , anyone exited for chapter 2??? I AMMMMMM.....

hopefully it will be a little longer . the juicer the chapter the longer WHOOP WHOOP.Also while your here why dont you suggest some good reads in the comments??? 

heres some I think you should read :

the boy with silver eyes and margionette by partion_potato

what happens in the dark by zestyhowlter 

{both of those people help with insperation for this smut irl so ty to them and show them some love }

AND if you love a good dan x reader you should read :

the boy you love by abby_flemxns 


wanted by emonizzle 

{ both books are so obsorbing and I love them}

again leave suggestions.


y/s/n = your ship name 

y/h/c = your hair colour

y/h/l= your hair length

y/e/c = your eye colour

and when you ring Shane, s means Shane incase you get confused 

Also im a lazy ass shit so the story starts a couple weeks after meeting shane and moved into your new house , now you and Shane are bezzies you have done soooooooooo many colabs but its ok because the subscribers love it. you now have a ship name y/s/n but of  Course shane is with ryland they are iconic and some people are hating because you know shyland. AND it turns out you only live down the road!!!

any way lets start,

enjoy x

y/n: hey queeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnn shaneeeeeeeee

s: hey y/n what the fucking hell do you want bitch?

y/n: I was wondering if I could come over I haven't come over in like foreverrrrr.

s: y/n its been like a day and I'm having a break from filming because I just wanna sleep and shit.

y/n: I didn't want to film any way Shane I'm so exhausted just wanna chill with the squad. pleaseeee shaneee" You begged.

s: fine y/n ill invite Morgan and Garett as well.

y/n: yay me ,you, Ryland ,Morgan and Garret can gossip whoop!!

s: fine see you in a sec ok bye 

y/n: ill be there in two seconds see you then bye

*you go over to Shanes*

Ryland answers the door "heyy y/n Shanes in the kitchen, come in we got taco belllllll." 

"heyy shishter , isn't Shane always in the kitchen anyway yayy taco bell my favourite" {sorry if you don't like taco bell }

you walk to the kitchen to see Shane singing some Britney song with his head phones. you decide to go through the door in the dinning room, you walk through the door and sneak behind Shane and jump scar him from behind he SCREAMS sis and jumps a mile! "OMFG Y/N WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THAT I WAS JUST TAPPING INTO MY BRITNEY BICH!"

"sorry Shane it was just so tempting!!!! Anywhowwwww TACO BELL!!!!!!!!!! "

{you eat the taco bell and decide to all have a "little" drink  }

7 shots and 1 bottle of gin  later:

"SHANEEEE IM GOING HOME NOW" you shout while slurring intensely 

"NOOOO!" Shane says slurring just as much as you "you cant dive now bitch " 

"wellllllll where am I gonna go?" "sleep on the couch? you'll get free breakfast" once he said breakfast you were down "fineeeee shaney just for you" you wink and do some finger guns    slurring worse than ever.

*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*the next morning *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

you woke up on a couch, it took you a minute or so to adjust to your surroundings and figure out where you were. slowly you begin to sit up, you head is pounding "what did we do last night?" you mumble "oh god y/n you were so wasted when we left  and we only left at midnight!" you turn around to see Morgan and Garett in hysterics   "what's happened to Andrew?" you ask with a almost salty tone of voice "well he couldn't  make it last night because he had alottt of editing to do for Shanes new 5  part series that we all filmed last week but he managed to make it this morning he's in the kitchen "   Morgan explained.

slowly standing up with a blanket wrapped around you to hide your underwear    you tread over to the kitchen and find Andrew sitting eating some lucky charms. you reach up to grab the froot loops when your blanket drops reviling your black lace bra luckily Andrew was completely spacing out  looking blankly out  the window.  You carry on and grab your cereal and get a bowl and poor it still in your bra with the blanket only covering  your underwear after putting in the milk  in the bowl and grabbing a spoon you pull the blanket back up and walk back to the living room to see a cup of {your favourite Starbucks drink}  sat on the coffee table waiting for you "got your favourite and its made it just the way you like it sis " Ryland says looking up from the computer screen  " awwww thank you shishter!" plopping your bowl down onto the table next to your coffee nicely bought by your new buddy Ryland Adams!  

*Shanes  pov* 

you woke up and Ryland was gone "he's probably gone for a walk or something," you thought to yourself . You checked your phone and saw pictures of yourself, Ryland and  y/n. 'my god why is y/n so beautiful?' you quietly whisper to yourself.

you make your way down the stairs  to find Morgan and Garett sat chatting. You walk past  them not interrupting them they were talking about last night both looking pink, why is Garett pink he's gay. right?

any way......... you walk into the  kitchen quietly to see y/n stood reaching for some cereal in her underwear and a blanket covering her bottom half. I don't think she noticed that I'm stood here you think quietly to yourself.

God she is so pretty the way her y/h/l/   y/h/c falls so perfectly  with barely any effort. her  y/e/c eyes pierce your soul and heal it at the same time.

you know its wrong but you can stop looking. your mesmerised by her perfectly curved stunning   body. 




oooooooooooooooooooh fun a Shanes pov whatttttttttt how qwerkie {I actually hate that word so much argues all u want but u know oh well} 

don't have anything to rant about so u know have fun wit your life and what not

love? share? vote?

love yall so much 

ur welcome love yall still byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

ima start doing a word count for all yall who wanna know

word count: 1097

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