The Doctor And River together again

Start from the beginning

Mum just laughs. Then all of a sudden BANG BANG BANG.

"What's that?", I ask.

"Ooh fantastic oh great yes oh yes it's those jaylings, Adventure", questions dad.

"Adventure", says me and mum and we laugh and lead our way to the door.

"God there really fucking called Jaylings", I say

Slap to the back of the head from mum "ouch" LANGUAGE", says dad. "I was just about say that", says Mum.

"Go figures", I say.

"Here my language is fine you know it's not that mighty of a bloody big deal", I make out.

"LANGUAGE", they both yell at me.

I roll my eyes and open the Tardis doors and we all step out.

Okay okay so we survived the Jaylings as you may be thinking what happened turns out they just wanted to talk and ask us to leave their planet.

So we went back home and the Doctor went back to traveling with his companions or should I say her companions now that She's now regenerate into a female it's still a tad of a getting used to for me as I go back and see previous regeneration reasons why I either say Doctor or dad a lot and also always say he and never really she to refer to the Doctor, unless with female regeneration I do say she or her most times as an example a few days ago Me and dad went to 8020 and we ran into some Daleks again, and they asked where the Doctor was and I was like well can't you see he's here. The questioned me saying this is not the Doctor as eyes roll at me "Well actually you know regeneration is quite the funny thing, and well I'm now a woman sadly not ginger never ginger am I? Will I ever be ginger?" As Dad says I roll my eyes at that one again with the bloody being ginger.

And well long story short the Daleks well we are alive right so we survived.

Me and mum go around with our Vortex manipulators going back and forwards, we go and visit Gran and Grandad a few times a year they enjoy it and love it, we can't go too much as it might start collapsing but we make sure it's in the time before they die. Funny enough Dad visits too she gets a Vortex turns out she could not stop herself and had to see Amy and Rory, but they laughed at the talk of the Doctor being Grey and Scottish then then laughing about the doctor being a Woman, but they loved it loved how you could change Genders Gran said if she could do that just for fun she would, I believe she would as well too.

And sometimes we meet dad and her new companions and there adventures meeting new aliens that we have not came across yet. Pretty funny names and looks but we get by and why does she need to have three companions with her all the time adding five when we arrive too many people that's why I try to avoid it sometimes and only do when the companions go home or something.

I'm still confused on why the Tardis took me too all those other places like why did it malfunction what was the reason?, why did it have a fault. Dad tried to explain that the Vortex is a funny thing and shutting it down and being in the Vortex itself not the manipulator by the way but the actual time Vortex and the Tardis pulling me through it just malfunctioned somehow. I still find it odd if it was shut off it was obviously still on somehow truly right? It made a sound and lit up so clearly was on somehow Anyhow, I asked mum about Hitler and she told me she never told me about that one because of her nearly killing dad, well she would have successfully killed dad if she did not give dad the rest of her generation to him, the first time she changed into herself and she was out to kill. I nodded and said I understood her. I really did not much I mean she could have just said right? But hey let's just leave that one there as it is.

Sometimes I go back and travel myself where I go back to where dad is in his 11th generation where mum is taking care of baby me and I take adventures with dad or even 12th generation of dad. I mean least that way he does not have so many companions and I make sure he's not with Amy or Rory because that would be bad because they don't know me, but Clara is there I like Clara she's really nice and very odd to figure out.

But she's a laugh to be around as well, and I enjoy her company it's different and she's not family it's like I have a real friend it's why I went to the school no long after she left. I went to help them out a few We times but I left again it felt wrong I never really had my own friends not till now anyhow. Back in my time I have my own group now I have a few that comes with me on my own adventures and sometimes mum and dad have to bail us out well help us ops. But this is how I saved my mother how the Tardis helped me get my mother back how she never really died. Also I got to meet Bill as well and Missy oh Missy was not so happy about me but Bill she's lovely she's amazing Sassy funny brilliant great to be around as well.

So as it is for a days work one day this will be read I can assure you I want it to be maybe not at the moment but one day for now I know I saved my mother so I don't have to worry about it being my dad reading it because I failed, but I'm leaving everything I wrote in that way when this spreads across the galaxy one day across worlds the starts the light days and nights it will be remembered that Jessica Amelia Song and the Tardis helped Save River Song from Death and that fix points can always be altered when they ain't supposed to happen in the first place, what do I mean? Well clearly it was never a fixed point in time was just made to look like it.

Goodbye hopefully you enjoyed the journey of how I saved my mother and one day maybe one day someone reads this and knows that not everything is how it seems and for the good and not evil, I hope to have more wonderful adventures and hey hopefully my own time machine one day and who knows maybe one day you could be traveling with me?

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