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Lol idk what this is

I also don't know if there's any typos because it's late and I'm too tired to edit so bye



Y/N had fallen in and out of love once in her life. Archie Andrews had been the boy of her dreams for more than two years, but as those two years came to an end, the two of them mutually decided that they had no obligation to be together any longer. Feelings faded between the two of them and that was okay. They were still very close friends, and Archie had started dating Veronica Lodge, which Y/N was actually quite happy about. Veronica was a wonderful girl and Archie deserved the best.

The only thing that had ever driven the slightest wedge between her and Archie, other than their lack of feelings towards each other over time, was a dark haired, football-loving young man by the name of Reggie Mantle. Well, as much of a wedge that friendly gossip could cause. It had been suspected by Y/N's friends for the longest time that the rivalry between Archie and Reggie had more to do with Y/N and less with Reggie's obsession with being at the top of the social pyramid.

She had never believed them, but the day that Reggie came up to her in the hallways may have changed her mind ever so slightly.

Y/N had always been friends with Reggie, though he didn't think of her as quite that. He had always seen her as uncharted territory that he could never conquer or even step foot on. However, once she was no longer Archie's girl, he saw an open chance. After all, it had been common knowledge for weeks that Archie and Y/N had broken up mutually. No feelings lost. That meant she was open to another relationship.

Since they had always been friends, it didn't really catch her off guard when he sauntered right up to her one day and swung his arm over her shoulders.

"Sup, Sunshine," he grinned.

Y/N smirked a little, not even sparing him a glance. "Is there something you needed, Mantle?"

He raised a hand to his chest. "Oof. Not very sunshiny, Y/N. That's cold."

"Have you ever known me to be anything but?"

He chuckled a bit. "Anyway, what I need is for you to come with me tonight to see that new horror movie Andrews told me about."

She sure did love horror movies. Y/N hummed softly in response. She tilted her head back and forth, as if thinking about it, but she had been just about certain the moment he asked.

"I'd love to," she replied.

"Perfect," he said with a wicked smile. "I'll pick you up at eight."


The movie was wonderful and neither Reggie nor Y/N were at all frightened. If anything, they laughed every time a new jump-scare occurred. They left the movie theatre high off of happiness in the company of each other.

"So you wanna go home now or go to Pop's?" Reggie asked, reaching out to hold her hand as if it was the most normal thing to him. It was like he hadn't even noticed.

Sunshine ✧ Reggie Mantle x Reader (One-Shot)Where stories live. Discover now