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"Jay calm down please because you know we gonna be OK"

"One question August what are we?"

"Last night I was actually gonna ask you the same thing." I took Hus hand. "We more than just friends.. We way more than FWBs um lawd have mercy" I started laughing. its different between me and this kid. "See I make you laugh don't I. You can't stay mad at me"


This my baby right here. We not public but she knows that I'm with her. Since I got shot she stays with me. She helps me walk around. We went around the hospital. "You in pain"

"A little bit you tired?"

"Yes I gotta go back home. to get some clothes for you too come home in the morning."

"um no. let John go with you.I can't have you going by yourself" John is his body guard. they close like they related. we went to get his clothes.

"How's everything with you and Aug?"

"Amazing" I got his clothes. I was so tired John was in the living room making a sandwhich. I fell asleep on the bed. all of his clothes was still up there. I woke up John was sleep. I had his bag. "JOHN WAKE UP" We went back to Aug he was in his room.

"where the hell was y'all? I've been trying to call you."

"we fell asleep I'm sorry" He took the bag. "Whats wrong with you"

"Nothing sit down" His little breifs was showing. I laughed alittle but. "What you laughing at" I was standing up he stood in front of me. Pinned me to the wall... "baby girl I've been without fucking the shit out of you for 3 days so get ready"

Next Morning.

I went home before he did to have everything right just for him. He came in with John. He got on the bed. "Come here Jay" He put his arm around me. We stayed in bed all day. His arm and shoulder was hurting.

2 Weeks Later


All you could hear was her screaming my name. I went down to kiss her. She grabbed onto my hair. "OMG" She jumped up and turned me over. She laid on top stared me in my face for the longest. Around 10 she got up and took a shower.

"What you doing today?"

"Going to work don't you have something to do?"

"Yeah I'll see you later"

I went to the radio station to talk to Angie. When I got there I got set up everyone walked in. I saw Jay she was acting like she didn't know me. "Janelle whatchu doing here?"

"What I told you this morning" I smacked my lips and watched her. "August do you have a lady in your life or your just single and mingling"

"Uhm you can say i do"

"Janelle why you blushing" She looked up.

"You actually said that"

"Jay Im a real nigga why would I lie" We was talking.

"Wait so you too" We started laughing.

"Angie Come on now" Jay was on her phone.

"So August is your arms and shoulder better after the accident" I pulled the mic down.

"Im actually doing good" We got in some crazy shit. "August why would you say that"

"Because thats me.. I never been in love. Got a feeling I want be" She looked back down.

"Whatchu think Janelle about it?"

"its actually the same if you've ever been hurt. Things will make you wanna love no more. But you think your not gonna fall in love again I can't believe that".

Afterwards she was walking out the station. I grabbed her arm. "What's wrong with you how in the hell didn't you tell me you worked here"

"I don't have to tell you everything. August wait your in the wrong as well. All that shit you was talking and your mad at me." She went out into the road. A car was coming. I ran and pulled her to the side.

"You need to watch where you going before you get in a accident.. take your ass home alright"

"Get out the way" She drove off. When I got back home I didn't see her.

In Love With The Wrong ManWhere stories live. Discover now