As if I didn’t know all too well about the Southern hospitality having gone out with the most charming gentleman tonight.

“Oh, cool. Alright, well I’ll let you go, have fun! Bye.” I hung up the phone before he could protest and instantly got a flood of texts.

‘Are you mad?’ ‘I’ll call you when I’m back in the room. <3’

I was a bit annoyed, but I think it was more my own guilt than anything. I felt super guilty at the moment. Shit. I might be getting into something I’m not sure I want to get into. I needed to think and clear my head and I definitely needed my best friend to do it.

I messaged Lizzy asking for girl time tomorrow and she responded immediately saying she’d be over around 12. I changed into pajamas and lay in bed, scrolling through twitter until I fell asleep. Harry never called.


Lizzy appeared the next day promptly at 12. We ordered pizza and sat in the kitchen waiting for it to arrive. My aunt was out with Brandon. Lizzy told me how Niall had booked a flight back to Los Angeles for the 6th of October.

“He wants to take me to Ireland! Can you believe it? I’ve never been! That would be so much fun,” she gushed.

“Ireland is wonderful, I’ve been a few times when I was a kid,” I said.

“When’s Harry come back?” She asked. The buzzer for the main gate went off and she went to collect the pizza. When was Harry coming back? That was a good question. We hadn’t discussed final plans or anything really and I wasn’t sure what was going on. He had never called me back from last night and I figured he had either done something to piss me off or was nursing a hangover. While he most likely was doing the latter, my subconscious reminded me that he might also be hiding something. I shook the thoughts out of my head when Lizzy came back with the box of pizza. We dug into it and once finished two slices each, moved into the living room and chilled out on the couch.

“Okay, so what’s going on?” She asked. “You have been unusually quiet and I know you’ve been keeping everything pent up. It’s not healthy you know.”

“I know, but where do I begin?”

“Okay, let’s start with the DUI.”

“That was such a fucked up day. It all started with Harry. Everything lately has started with Harry I feel like and while I don’t want to be harboring these ill feelings towards him, I can’t help but do so.”

“You need to explain more than that, you’re too vague.”

I sighed and launched into my tirade of how Harry had leaked our previous relationship to the media and how he had blackmailed Cost and then he had found the suicide note and hid himself away from me. I told her I didn’t feel like I could trust him and all he brought into my life was a whirlwind of drama. And he got to leave which wasn’t fair because I still had to clean things up once he away.

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