Adventure of A Lifetime

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"I don't want to do that again," I whine. It felt like I was being ripped wide open.

"You are going to have to. With you being stretched out it won't hurt as much." She explains. I didn't know if it was because she was a woman, or if it was her reasoning behind it but I believe her.

I let out a grunt as I started to push again. It was like she said, it didn't hurt as much. It still felt like a watermelon was coming out of me, but it wasn't ripping me open. While the second baby was going into the bathroom, the first one was coming out. The house-elf put him in my arms. A smile spread across my face as I saw Draco's eyes looking up at me. "Hello, Scorpius." I coo, calling him by the name that we agree upon. I kissed him on the nose. The first of many kisses I would give him until he would reach his preteens and would demand I stop.

I shifted to hold him in one arm as I saw my other son coming out. "Hello, Leo." I greeted him the moment I had him in my grasp. I gave him his first kiss too.

"Are you ready to breastfeed?" Michelle asks.

"Yes. Can you hold them while I take my shirt off?" I ask.

"Of course," She took the babies from my arms.

I cover my lower half with the blanket before taking off my shirt. It felt like I had some dignity being half-naked instead of completely. She hands me Scorpius. After I got him latched on and situated, she handed me, Leo. I had a little trouble getting him to latch on. He kept missing the nipple without a third hand, I wasn't able to help him. Michelle saw my problem, she gently moved my breast for Leo to get it.

"I need Draco. If I can't feed them by myself how am I going to do anything?" I sob as panic builds inside me. I need him. What am I going to do if he doesn't make it?

"You could always feed them one at a time." A house-elf suggests. With Michelle and mine's harsh glare on her, she realized she said something wrong. She slams her head against one of the bedposts.

Michelle ran over to stop her from giving herself a concussion. "Thank you all for your help, but it's time for you guys to go back to your daily duties." She dismisses them. They walk out of the room. "Listen to me, Draco is going to come back. He has been putting his all in preparing for the war so that he can come back to you." She sat down in front of me.

"How do you know that, you just got here?" I scoff. I want to believe her like I did before, but there was no logic behind her words.

"You're right I don't know that. But, I do know he tracked me down when he found out the doctor was going with them. I can't remember what he said exactly, because I wasn't persuaded by his words, but by his passion. I remember the look in his eyes and the emotion in his voice. I thought I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to this man's babies. A man that goes through all that for a possible threat, I imagine would do so much more for a guaranteed threat." She smiles as if Draco going to her was a fond memory. "I also know that you're going to be an amazing mother." She pats my thigh.

"Are you a seer?" I tease.

"No, I know you will be because you already are. Even with your freak out, you never stop feeding them." She nods her head in the direction of my chest. I look down in amazement that she was right. "Motherhood isn't about being perfect. It's about loving them and giving them what they need no matter what." I smiled as I thought about her words. I could never be perfect, but I would always love them.

 I could never be perfect, but I would always love them

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