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I step up to the door and knock.

*Knock Knock*

Charlie opens the door.

Charlie- Hey (Y/N). Nice to see you. Come in.

I step in with my stuff.

Charlie- Bella! (Y/N)'s here!

Bella- Ok. Be there in a minute!

(Y/N)- Can I have some help getting this to my room?

Bella- Your room? No, you're sleeping in my room with me. Right Charlie?

Charlie- Right... Um (Y/N), you're sleeping with Bella.

(Y/N)- What about my privacy? There's a room right across the hall. Can't I sleep there?

Charlie- Sorry (Y/N). You're sleeping with Bella. End of story. Plus it'll be good for you two.

Ugh! I hate this! It's so stupid. There's a perfectly good room right across the hall! *sigh*

(Y/N)- Ok.... Right.

I throw my stuff in the corner of the room and leave.

Charlie- (Y/N)! Come on!

Bella- Yeah, come back.

(Y/N)- I'll be back.... Sometime.

I get on my motorcycle, put my helmet on and the shield of my helmet down and ride off. I love my motorcycle and wolf helmet. I'm so glad Joe was actually nice enough to bring it for me. I still hate him though.
Anyways, I'm going to Amanda's.

 Anyways, I'm going to Amanda's

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Just pretend that the shield on the helmet has a button where if you push it, it rolls up and down

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Just pretend that the shield on the helmet has a button where if you push it, it rolls up and down. Like a window.

Jacob x-readerWhere stories live. Discover now