Kozume Kenma

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You sighed, vigorously tapping the circular buttons on your handheld game. You were graciously invited to spend the night at your best friend Kenma's house. Since this was nothing new to you, you accepted the request with no hesitation. You averted your eyes to the boy on his bed, who was doing the same you were.

"Hey, Kenma?" You asked, shifting into a different position on the floor. He looked over to you and hummed in reply.

"Have you played Ocarina of Time?"

He nodded and sat up on the bed, staring at you with his golden eyes. "What, are you playing it?"

"Yeah, and I've been stuck in this temple for who knows how long!" You complained. "I can't do it anymore, Kenma-kun! My fingers are gonna fall off!"

You put the back of your hand on your forehead and slumped down onto the floor. Kenma sighed and left his plush bed, taking the game out of your hands.

"You're gonna do it for me, right?" You questioned. The male slightly nodded, making your face light up. "Thank you so much!"

His fingers tapped away on the circular buttons as you watched in awe. Every so often when he figured something out, you would let out a quiet "oh", as you could never actually figure out those puzzles yourself.

Sooner or later, you became tired. You yawned and placed your head on Kenma's shoulder, causing him to tense up and look over. Your eyes were closed and you breath was slow and steady. He had to admit, you looked pretty cute half asleep.

"(F-F/N)-chan...?" He whispered. Your (E/C) eyes fluttered and slowly opened, meeting Kenma's own eyes.

"Kenma...?" You rubbed your eyes. "D-did you do it?"

He nodded and showed you the handheld device for proof. Sure enough, he had defeated the boss and left the temple. Your eyes lit up and you sat straight.

"Wow, you're amazing, Kenma-kun!" You praised. Kenma blushed and looked away.

"It was nothing..." He muttered. You giggled and wrapped your arms around him.

"There's gotta be something I can give you in return, right?"

He looked at you and shook his head. He never really did a lot for you, so whenever you asked for something he would do it, no reward needed.

You sat on the edge of the bed, pondering to yourself. Not long after starting your thoughts an idea popped into your head, causing you to smirk. You looked over at the golden-haired boy, smile still in tact.

"I know what I can give you!" You giggled. You leaned over and quickly pecked his cheek, making the boy swiftly turn around.

"W-what was-"

"I'm tired of not giving you anything in return for your help." You explained, placing a strand of your (H/C) locks behind your ear. "So I decided to give you something special, to make up for all of that."

A pink hue spread across Kenma's cheeks. It wasn't like he didn't want a kiss from you. Hell, he's had a crush on you for a long time now. He just didn't know how to react when it finally happened. He rubbed his cheek with his hand, lost in his thoughts.

"Are you okay, Kenma?"

The teenage boy snapped out of his trance and looked back at you. The gaming device he had once held was gone, and was now safely located between your hands.

"I'm sorry for doing that so suddenly. I know how unpredictable I can be, and-"

"It's fine."

You paused the game and averted your eyes to Kenma.

"It's okay. I... I didn't really mind..." He mumbled. "You can do it again if you want..."

You smiled and brushed some hair off of Kenma's head. You placed a sweet kiss on his forehead, making his face turn beet red.

"Kenma, you look so embarrassed." You mused. You heard him mumble a quick "shut up", making you chuckle under your breath. You gave him a small, but comforting hug, and picked up your game.

"Hey, if you keep helping you'll get a lot more rewards." You giggled as you started your game back up.

Kenma rubbed his eyes and flopped onto his back.

"Are you tired, Kenma-kun?"

He nodded and closed his eyes. You took this as a hint and saved your game, shutting it and the lights off.

"You walked to the bed and looked at your friend. You smiled and gave him another kiss on the forehead.

"Goodnight, Kenma." You whispered. You sat yourself down on the floor and pulled up a spare blanket and pillow. You closed your eyes, and soon enough you fell asleep, blissfully lost in your joyous dreams.

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