Facing the Truth

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" You can always burry the truth with a lie, it's easy to ignore what really happened and live in a fantasy. But no matter how many lies you burry the truth with in the end it will shine through like the northern star on a dark night."


"Oh my god what the hell is wrong with you!" Jade's voice rang down my hall. "I've been calling you for 30 mins already."

Turning my head I found Jade walking through my doorway. Her usually perfect blond hair was messy and her make up was smudged. It looked like she just came from a party. Knowing Jade she probably did too and I bet she was calling to tell me how the party was or about her latest hook up. Hell maybe she was going to tell me about some crazy thing she did that surprisingly did not get her killed.

"Yeah I noticed" I said. I truned my face away from her."Thought you'd get the hint I wanted to be alone."

I felt the bed dip but wasn't bother to turn my head. I knew Jade wasn't going to leave though. No matter what she would always be there for me. She has been there for me since I came here and even when I tried to push her away she never left.

"So you've been staring at the ceiling for 30 minutes?" She asked slowly.

"Yup" I really wasn't in the mood to talk. She turned on her side to face me. I couldn't see her face but I knew she was worried.

"Mya seriously what's going on?" Her voice was soft. Like she was almost afraid to ask.

"I've seen you do some weird crap but staring at your ceiling with that depressing ass look on your face is making me a little nervous." She chuckled. Nothing was funny she was just trying to lighten the mood and I appreciated it.

Laughing I turned to face my best friend. I let out a deep breath. I smiled slightly, weakly.

"Everything's messed up Jade" I sat up and ran my hand through my hair before laying back down. "It's just been so messed up."

"I know." She said. She looked tense and exhausted.

But the truth was she didn't know. She barley knew the half of it. It wasn't because I didn't trust her. I did trust Jade she was the type of person anyone could trust. There was just so many horrible things from my past that I wanted to forget. Now my mom was making me face everything I put behind me. I felt something wet on my cheek and I realized I was crying.

Sometimes things are better left alone in the past. I have spent all this time trying to burry the past and here it was. Laughing in my face about all that has happened. The wounds were old but right now they were fresh. I was afriad to blink because everytime I did a memory of that place swarmed my vision.

"Oh no you don't." Jade said grabbing my arm. Rather roughly I might add, but I ignored it. "Come on were going to go shopping." It made me wonder what she was really calling me about. Shopping was Jade's therapy. It did not really help that she was loading and threw money out the window like it meant nothing.

"Jade I have enough clothes." I said rolling my eyes. If that girl could do anything she could shop! She wiped my tears away from me. I do not know what I would do without this crazy girl.

"I know but my best friend is obviously an emotional wreck right now and plus we have to find some hot new outfits for the party remember." She winked and started walking to the kitchen. "Get ready were leaving in 10 minutes." She smiled.

Good thing I took a shower I earlier. Too lazy and too much on my mind to really get ready I left my hair in a ponytail. Then I pulled on some casual clothes and put a little mascara on. Then I called out for Jade so we could leave. She drove us because apparently I was to much of an emotional wreck. Her words not mine. I ended up getting a lecture the whole way there because I suggested driving. An hour later after having tried on about everything in the store we finally found our outfits.

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