"Good morning sweetheart."  Your mom said.

Good morning mom." You responded as you sat down.

Your mom placed some pancakes in front of you and you quietly ate. Once you finished you got up to put the dishes away.

There was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it! I'm headed out any way." You yelled as you made it to the door.

"Okay sweetheart have a good day." Your mom told you before you opened the door to see a certain half white half red haired male.

"Shouto!" You let out excitedly, jumping up to hug him.

He hugged you back holding you close while setting you back down onto the ground.

"Good morning." Shouto said looking down at you after he pulled away from the hug. He looked into your eyes and leaned in, tilting his head a little hovering your lips a soft peck.

"G-good  m-morning." You replied blushing still not used to kissing him. The warm loving feeling spreading throughout your body.

You smiled at Shouto as he grabbed your hand and the two of you started walking.

"Ready for school?" Your boyfriend asked you.

"Yep! I'm so excited. What do you think it's going to be like?"

"Like any other school. Just...hero's will be our teachers and we will have to learn how to become proper heroes."

"I still think it'll be exciting."

You took the train to another stop sconce the two of you lived quit far from school. The got off at about the forth stop.  You walked a little farther and came face to face with the front gate. 

When you entered the school. It took you a while to find your class but eventually you found it and entered the room. Not a lot of kids were there yet so you assumed you and Shouto were early.

"Oooo that means we get first dibs on seats. You told him as you let go of his hand but still walked with him to the back row where he sat down and pulled out a book to read. You put your stuff in the seat next to his. When you noticed a girl with black hair up in a pony tail.

She say in her desk seeming to not know what to do when you approached her.


She turned her head to you, her eyes glimmering with excitement.


"Hey. I didn't  know you were going to come to school here!"

"I didn't either. My parents didn't tell me. I haven't even seen you sconce that Gala my parents had not to long ago."

"Well it's nice to know I'll have one friend in class. " You smiled at her. "Well besides Todoroki."

"Todoroki?" She asked you. "You mean Endevor's son?"

"Yeah. He's sitting there in the back."  You pointed at Shouto.

"He seems very reserved."

You let out a slight giggle before you answered her.
"that's because he is."

"How did you get to know the him though."

"We've know each other since we were little." You smiled as your cheeks turned a slight pink.

"Oh a childhood crush I see." Momo teased you. "Please tell me you at least decided your sitting by him. It's cool that you actually kinda grew up with him though."

"Not really."

"How'd you guys meet?"

"Well....um when we were little our parents decided that we should get to know each other.....hoping we will marry each other when we're older."

"Wait, so your parents- " Momo started as she figured it out before you cut her off.

"So he's already kinda my fiancé. So to speak."

You turned even more red.

"But before you ask both of us are okay with having an arranged marriage because we actually love each other so...just don't tell anyone else I don't know how people would react about it at the moment."

Momo nodded with a smile. You two caught up with each other as more people entered the classroom. You met some more of you classmates, and quickly became friends with them. You weren't worried about Shouto not talking to anyone because he had always been like that and you knew he'd open up eventually.

You were talking to Uraraka and Izuku before Mr. Aizawa appeared in a yellow sleeping bag. Taking a seat in your desk you waited patiently ready for your first day of class.

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