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May's (Emily and Megan's mom) POV

        "Mom please, I'll take good care of her plus if anything happens we both know your number by heart." Emily kept bombarding me with safety pre-cautions. All of those can be done but I still don't know about my babies going to live in another country. They'd be too far away. Tearing up, I walk out of the living room and into the kitchen. I started to prepare dinner. I tend to cook when I get nervous and want to avoid things. It's just what I do best, I'd gotten that talent from my mother. "Please mom we will call you every night." She followed me and she wasn't alone this time. There stood my other baby. Megan. She's only eleven, my baby of all my babies.

        I didn't really understand what was so special to them that they had to go so far away. I tried asking them but Emily had said something about adventure and Megan obviously wanted to do what her big sister wanted to do. I'm guilty of that as well. I was the youngest in my family. I had two older sisters.

        Jumping, I felt a hand on my shoulder. Emily. She's still waiting for an answer. I tried to think of excuses for them not to go but I couldn't think of any valid ones. I mean talking to  their dad wouldn't be an issue, he's stationed in Afganistan. He will be gone for another ten months. Reaching for her hand, I knew I had to give in. Taking a huge gulp of air I nodded. "Yes, you guys can go-" They both jumped and squealled. "But you girls have to listen! You must call me atleast twice a week and if I find out that if either of you are failing you will be send straight home, understand?" They both quieted quickly and nodded fiercely. "Go pack. I'll call your schools."

Emily's POV

        I had already packed all I could fit into two large suitcases, which was roughly half of my wardrobe that consisted of skinny jeans, t- shirts, and hoodies.  Placing my suitcases to the door, I pushed open Megan's door. "You need help?" She jerked her head to me and mumbled a no. Nodding my head, I awkwardly walked to the side of her bed and sat down. "Look," I sigh deeply and continued. I was scared and I wasn't having a hard time showing it. "I will keep you safe, I promise." She smiled and zipped up her suitcase and we were ready to get back with mom.

I helped Megan place the silverware down on the table and mom did touch ups on the spagetti. Once we were all seated with plates mom spoke up. "You guys are leaving in two days. One lady was willing to accept you guys into her home on such short notice. Her name is Anne Cox and she has a son that's your age, Emily." Sounded good to me and I can tell it sounded good to Megan as she nods and sucked up noodles into her mouth.

        We were done shortly and I found myself lying in bed thinking. What if we don't like Anne or her son? What if they don't like us? What if we can't find her when we arrive? Ugh, I just gave myself a headache. Just great. Note the sarcasm. Throwing my covers off, I slip on my Batman slippers and head to the bathroom to find asprin. Once I  found it and was settled, I slipped back into bed. My feet felt so funny as if they were floating and possibly touching a substance like clouds. I remembered that I never took off my slippers. It relaxed me so much that I didn't have the energy to take them off so I just left them on. I had no care in the world. I could tell that tonight would be a good night. The asprin worked and I was getting dizzy. Closing my eyes I left reality and the last things on my mind were sleep and the flight I would soon take with Megan.

A/N: So this is the first chapter. We aren't sure when we will update if it's daily then so be it. If not, it will be soon. Thanks for reading(: 10 votes for the next update?

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