"The Weasley Twins."

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Hermione roamed through the Weasley Twins' shop. Ever since Fred's near death the two had been spending a lot of time together.

"Morning 'Mione here to buy something?" George smiled at the brunette.

"Not today. Just visiting." She said coming around the desk and hugging wthe twins.

"Well love, you drop by anytime." Fred laughed.

"How's mum and Dad?" George asked.

"And Ron and Ginny?" Fred smiled.

"They're all good." Hermione smiled.

"And Harry?" George asked.

"Wonderful." She laughed.

"He and Ginny doing okay?" Fred winked at her.

"Perfect." Hermione giggled at the thought of earlier this week.

George climbed himself up on the register counter placing his hands in lap while Fred moved from the wall he was leaning on to lean next to his brother.

"Anyone special in your life?" George asked with a wink.

"You two know me like brothers, tell me." The brunette leaned forward with a glint of playfulness in her eyes.

Both brothers leaned forward and stared at her for a minute before replying simultaneously. "Nope."

"There you go." She tapped Fred's shoulder.

Outside, Draco and Tori were shopping for school supplies. They had went to Madam Malkin's and gotten her robes, and bought her quidditch supplies.

Draco was looking around for what else she needed when he felt her tug on his shoulder for the third time.

"Yes?" Draco turned to her.

"Can we go into the Weasley shop, please." Tori begged her older brother.

"Fine. But you better not be planning to use any of those on me." Draco whined.

"Yes. I mean, no I wouldn't." She smiled pulling him towards the shop.

Draco rolled his eyes and as they arrived at the door, he saw a brunette standing around behind the counter, as the Weasley twins moved to face away from him and his sister he caught a glimpse of her face.

Hermione. He swallowed the lump in his throat and subconsciously rubbed his nose where she punched him in third year. He his thoughts were interrupted by Tori's voice.

"Draco, come on." She whined pulling at is arm.

"How about you go on in? I'll wait out here." He said as she gave him a weary look and he just smiled.

"Fine." She said scuffing her feet.

Draco waved to her with his two fingers, and turned his back to the window. Tori walked into the shop and was greeted by the smiling faces of the Weasley twins and a brunette.

"Hello." One of the twins said spinning his legs around the table.

"I'm George, that's Fred. We own Weasley Wizard Wheezes." The other twin smiled.

"I'm Tori." She smiled, shaking Fred's hand.

"I should be going boys, I'll be seeing you." The brunette smiled as she left the shop.

"Bye Hermione." The twins said simultaneously.

With that the brunette left, reaching right in the path of Draco. Draco had been fiddling his wand in his pocket. He noticed Hermione walk right past him, and decided to not look up.

"Malfoy." She scuffed.

"Hermione." He said, causing her to stop in her tracks. She waited a second for him to say something more but decided he wasn't worth her time and moved on. He took a look back to his sister inside the store.

"So, what can we do for such a beautiful young lady?" Fred asked with a charming smile.

"Well if you handsome gentlemen might be of assistance, I'm looking for something for my brother." She said, leaning against the counter.

"Older or younger?" George asked.

"Older." She responded.

"By how much?" Fred asked.

"2 years." She replied.

"Going to Hogwarts?" George asked.

"7th year. Just like me." She replied.

"Color of his hair?" Fred asked speaking slower than before with a slight raise of his eyebrow.

"Blonde." She replied.

"House?" George asked.

"Slytherin." She said, leaning up against the wall.

"Got a lover?" Fred asked.

"Are you asking for me or for him?" Tori smiled.

"Both." George added, looking back along the sides of the wall.

"No. Though he does talk a lot about a girl in his sleep." Tori said, tracing her finger along the wall.

"Hm. George you thinking what I'm thinking." Fred called back to his brother.

"Already ahead of you." George said waving a bottle in his hand.

"What is that?" Tori asked, intrigued.

"Turns his hair fer 24 hours." Fred smiled.

"Why red?" Tori asked.

"Gryffindor colors of course. Slytherins hate Gryffindors." George smiles.

"Thank you boys." She smiled.

"Hey, for that girl you talked about. Give this as well." Fred smiled.

"What's this?" Tori asked.

"Love potion." George rolled his eyes.

"He'll fall head over his heels for her." Fred smiled.

"Thanks again, boys." She said, leaning up to the counter placing a kiss on Fred's cheek, and making her way out the door with the potions in her hands.

"She loves me." Fred said, leaning over the counter.

"Gee whiz." George rolled his eyes, smacking his brother over the side of his head.

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