chapter 068 // back again

Start from the beginning


"The big 3 & Devion-san are also gathered here..." I hear Midoriya-san say

"Oh! What a pretty owl!" Uraraka-san cooed "Can I pet her?"

"If she doesn't mind, then yes." she looked at Dawn & smiled when she nodded, she hopped off my head & onto Uraraka-san's arm, where she began to pet her

"She's beautiful!"

"From what Chris tells me, she's a horned owl." I was then tapped on the shoulder, I turn & see it was Asui-san

"Do you know why we're here, Devion-chan?" I shrug my shoulders

"No clue. All I know is that Sir Nighteye called us here to have a meeting about something." she nodded before walking in, me following after shortly though I was a little shocked when I saw a lot of heroes in a single room... this made me panic a bit

'Last time I saw this many heroes was back at Kamino Ward... probably not a good thing to remember.' I was shaken out of my thoughts when Dawn pecked me on the forehead before pointing at Aizawa with her wing

"He's been calling you..." she whispered quietly, I look over at him & he pats me on the shoulder

"Are you going to be okay...?" I felt some sweat run down my face before nodding

"Maybe, at least I have her." I reassure him & myself as I pet her "She should calm me down if I'm getting to freaked out or paranoid, won't you baby?" she let out soft hoots as she pats him with her wing

"That's some owl."

"She's quirky."

"Right." we hear someone cough so we look over & I see a man, to which I suspect is Sir Nighteye

"Thanks to all the information you supplied the investigation has progressed considerably. The small yakuza organization, the Shie Hassaikai... what exactly are they plotting? Along with the sharing of acquired information, I would like to consult with you all today." I couldn't help but swallow thickly

'The Shie Hassaikai? Isn't that the people Chris & her friends are dealing with? Should I tell her about this? But this is confidential stuff...' I look at Aizawa-san

"Lets go."

"Okay." I sat down in a meeting room in between Kirishima-san & Amajiki-senpai just as Sir Nighteye's sidekick, Bubble Girl, started explaining a few things to us

"Since 2 weeks prior, we at the Nighteye Offices... have been independently observing a certain villain group known as the Shie Hassaikai!!" now I was really starting to get nervous, maybe I should mention something... but I decide not to though I was clutching violently on my wrist, I jolt up when Fatgum suddenly stood up & had his arm pointing our way

"Enough outta you- these three 'ere are the super important witnesses!"

"The three... of us?"

"Enthusiasm... smothering..." I pat his back


"Beside, I think there's a TON of people who're meetin' for the first time, so better get to it! The names Fatgum! Pleasure to meet y'all!"

"So round & cute!" I hear Asui-san & Uraraka-san say to which I purse my lips

"Oh! Here's some candy!!"

"I want one." I say, he smiled & gave me one "Thank you."

"No problem!" I open the wrapper & threw it into my mouth as we then look at Sir Nighteye

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