CHAPTER 1 : Lost And Found

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          I found my self waking up with my face burrowed in my folded arms sitting in a booth in, what  seems  to  be  a  24-hour  burger restaurant  in the middle of  the night. An eerie music playing  softy in the background  from  an old vintage  jukebox  across  my  booth.  There  was a mid-fifties  female  worker  chewing  her chewed-out chewing  gum  and  mopping  the  orange-checkered  tiles, and she kept looking  at  me  from  time to time. I found that very peculiar but didn't give it much thought as my mind has questions of its own.

           The sound of soothing raindrops seeps into  the  atmosphere  and thunders were  brewing from above. I  didn't  know  what  was  i  doing  there, where am i, how the hell did i ended up here and worst of all, i can't recall the last few events that took place before being here. I only remember some few details  about  myself  and  the rest is just a blur to me. I  looked  out  the  window and saw that  the  street  was  dark  out  and  tall abandoned buildings  in ruins surrounding  this restaurant  located  at  the  end  of  a  street splitting  the  roads  into  two. The  orange and white neon lights of the burger restaurant's signboard shone  brightly  through  the  rain.

'Dave's Meat' was the name of the place...

         I looked at the worker who has been mopping strangely slowly now and staring at me for the past, oh i don't know, say, the whole time?! I stared back at her before breaking the silence  and  asked, "business running slow, huh?"

         Her face turned pale green and she just turn away and hid her face from the light ... That colour of her face triggered something somewhere in my memory...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2018 ⏰

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