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A/N: Before we start, if you are still reading my (trashy) fanfiction after all these years, thank you. If you are new here, you have my warmest welcome. Do leave a comment to let me know what you think of my (trashy) stories. Also, I apologise for the long hiatus as well. Lots of stuff has happened in real life and I was going through a lot of roller coaster rides (probably still will). I'll try to be more active in writing. I might/might not be updating as much but as I had mentioned, I will try. As you can tell from my tags/title, I'm into BanG Dream (aka Bandori) at the moment. I'm not so much into Love Live as before but my Kouhai (FYI my lil junior, in case you don't know what's that-) had been poking me to go back into it so that I can write some gay ChikaRiko fanfiction that has been on hold since like forever. Lastly, can I just give a shoutout to my favourite OTP in Bandori? KASUSAAYA IS LOVE. Okay, do sit back and enjoy your ride.


Toyoma Kasumi stretched as she woke up early in the morning. "It's going to be a great day today!" She sat up quickly and opened the curtains to let the sun rays shine into her room, brightening up her whole room in an instant. "Riiiiing!" Her alarm rang loudly. Kasumi quickly hit the stop button and smiled brightly. "Faster than you again."

Kasumi did her usual routine and left for her most favorite place of the day, Yamabuki bakery. "I can't wait to see Saaya~!" Kasumi giggled and ran as fast as she could.

Kasumi entered the shop and looked around but Saaya was nowhere to be seen. Saaya's father greeted his expected guest and invited her in. Kasumi took up his offer and asked where was the girl who she was expecting to see. Saaya's father gave her a sad smile and told her that Saaya caught a cold and that he told Saaya to rest up back in her room. Kasumi panicked and said, "I'm going up to see her!" She quickly ran upstairs to Saaya's room before Saaya's father could say anything else. He smiled and went back to work, knowing that his daughter is in good hands.

"Saaya!" Kasumi entered the room and closed the door behind her. "Saaya! Are you alright...?" Right in front of her is a sleeping Saaya. "Ahh... I want to kiss her- Wait what an I thinking now?! Saaya is sick! I have to watch over her!"

Kasumi took the towel that has already warmed up on Saaya's forehead and washed it in the cool pail of water before placing it back on her forehead. This was repeatedly done till Kasumi fell asleep right beside the girl.


"Mm... Argh... How long was I asleep for? Oh no! I have to help out or mom will push herself too hard again-" Saaya stopped when she felt a hand holding hers. "K-Kasumi?!" She was surprised that Kasumi was around since she was supposed to be at school but she looked around and quickly noted a few things that made her realize that Kasumi was taking care of her while she was asleep.

"Sigh... This girl didn't have to... All I needed was some rest." Saaya reached out to Kasumi and pat her head. "Thank you." Saaya slowly moved and carried the other girl, hoping that she won't wake up from all the movements but Kasumi seemed to be deep asleep. Saaya placed Kasumi softly on her bed before heading down to make some food and see if she could help her father in any way with the business or with some housework.

"Saaya? You should get more rest." Saaya's dad greeted her when he saw her coming down the stairs. "I'm feeling better now, dad. Is there anything I could help around with?" Saaya asked as she was about to put her apron on.

"Saaya?" Her mother called.

"Yes mom?" Saaya turned around and replied. "Go upstairs and accompany Kasumi. She was with you the whole time since this morning. Mom will be alright so just go up to your room and get some rest while you are at it." Her mother smiled and assured her.

Heartbeat (A KasuSaaya Oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now