Start from the beginning

with leaves cabbage boiled in milk until the milk and

cabbage formed as a jam.

Extend it in or a flannel cloth and applied hot to the

part where you have pain. At 10 hours away the plaster and

already the pain is gone.

Diarrhea, dysentery Frequency and abundance of manure,

more usually liquid, viscous, painful and sometimes bloody.

Belly pain, cramps and nausea.

Treatment. - Mild purgative; careful diet; strip of flannel or

'poultices Hot in the womb. After stimulating drinks

gives good grass or lemon balm, tea and a drop "of rum.

Externally, an ointment friction with antiherpetic

appropriate to the case or levied with a decoction

of sage.


Ordinary treatment. - A remedy highly simple and yet gives

good results is to boil for ten minutes in a pint of red wine or

white, good handful of climbing ivy (for lack of Ivy, 4 or 5

heads of poppy) and add a good pinch of table salt; strain

cloth and rinse your mouth, on the side where

there pain, with a spoonful of this elixir, spitting

in a few minutes. This elixir can Store in a jar.

CRUP and Angina Characterize the presence of Croup

skins,false membranes, which develop in the throat and


It the disease develops very quickly, for this advise you not

to neglect the disease never throat and you call the doctor

as soon as possible.

Symptoms of croup are the following: at first pain

throat accompanied by fever, swelling of the tonsils

that are covered with white spots, these spots to arrive at

deep in the throat, the voice becomes hoarse.

Later ensuing attacks of suffocation, breathing is

wheezing, the patient throws pieces of membrane, retains

all knowledge.

The first care in these circumstances involve the use of

emetics that, if necessary,may be repeat. After the emetic, if

is neither a doctor, rub diseased surfaces with a brush

dipped in lemon juice or in carbol water or in a concentrated

solution of chloride or potash alum.


When it comes to serious cuts or wounds that require

medical intervention, the only thing to do is following: let

bleed a little, without forcing,wash with water warm where

you throw a few tablespoons of boric acid water; wiping dry,

tighten the lips of the wound and stay together by strips of

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