Chapter 1- The Boy

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Hi there! I'm Emily. And this is my story of finding love.

It all started when I was 18 years old. It had started out just like any other day, with my mother coming into my room and waking me up from a dream where I was with my crush, in a house of our own.

Once I had gotten up I was already playing my usual music list, consisting of songs like Friends by Marshmello, and Alone by Alan Walker. Once I had my jam going, I undressed and hopped in the shower. As I was in the shower I thought to myself, should I tell my crush I like him? I debated in my head for about a few minutes and decided I will confess to him. So I hopped out of the shower, determination on the mind as I dressed in my school uniform and grabbed some toast on my way out the door to walk to school.

On the walk I saw the world's most cutest boy. He looked like the gods had decided to send one of their hottest angels down to earth to make every single girl go mad with love. Knowing me I had to tell my best friend Danae that I had met the hottest boy ever. So I grabbed my phone out and messaged her.

\-Oh my god Danae I just met the hottest boy ever!!! It looks like the gods have sent down their hottest angel to make us single ladies fall in love!-/ I waited a few minutes before she texted me back.

\-He's not hotter than Misha-/

I laughed at her comment, next thing I know the boy from before came up to me. I looked up in shock at what he said.

"Hey gorgeous. I'm Joel."

I blushed at the comment and looked down at the ground, unable to respond from the shock of the hottest boy I'd seen talking to me. After he told me that he shot a wink my way and walked beside me. If I was red before, I would surely be a tomato by now.

"I-I'm Emily..." I looked up quickly at him and back down, noticing he was wearing the same uniform that the boys wore at my school. "Do you want to walk with me because we go to the same school?" I asked. He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Sure. Why not. I'm new to this area anyway, so it'll be nice to at least know the way to school. Plus, I'm with a cutie like you."

I playfully punched his arm and smiled, still blushing. We walked a few minutes in silence. That was until Joel broke the silence.

"So Emily," he started, "tell me a little about yourself. "

"Well, I was born in Australia on the 28th of February. Tell me a bit about yourself." I grew confident. "Mr Hottie." He laughed at the nickname.

"Something interesting, you know, different. I was born in Australia as well. My birthday is the 11th of October."

I frowned in concentration. Something interesting?

"Um... I am the type of girl who likes to play D&D."


"Dungeons and Dragons. It's a role playing game. You create a character and do missions and kill stuff and... Stuff." I shrugged and felt myself blush as he gave me a strange look.

Good job Emily. You just embarrassed yourself.

"So you're a bit of a nerd? Not that there's anything wrong with that." He said quickly as he noticed me look a bit sullen at his 'nerd' comment. "You'll have to show me at some point." He smiled at me and I gave a shy one back. I looked at him for a bit. Was he a player? Or was he being serious? I was so confused. Maybe Joel could be a good boyfriend. Or was he trying to have a one night stand with me like my previous boyfriend was?

After a little more walking, I felt the silence had ensued long enough, and I got my courage up to ask Joel something.

"J-Joel...." I asked nervously

"Yes beautiful?" I felt my face turn red immediately after that response.

"A-are you...." I could feel my heart pound as I was getting closer to asking my question.

"Am I what?"

"Are you a player kinda guy?"

"No, why?"

I smiled in relief and steeled myself for my next question, becoming bolder. "Okay. Now another question."

"Are we playing twenty questions or something?" He said teasingly and chuckled.

I smiled back and took a deep breath. "Areyousingle." I rushed out.


I took a deep breath and repeated it slowly. "Are you single?"

He gave me a look of shock. "That's bold." I deflated a little bit. "But I like it. And yes, to answer your question. I am single." He smirked at me. I blushed again. I could feel it travel up my neck and onto my cheeks.

"You're very adorable when you blush." I could feel myself getting light headed because of his comment. It was as though he treated me like I was a Princess.

"I wanna know something cutie." he said confidently

I blushed redder then a tomato as I gained the courage to say "Yes?"

"Have you been kissed before?" He said confidently while smirking a little, while he was looking at me, waiting for a response. I shook my head and looked down in embarrassment. He hooked a finger under my chin and pulled my head up.

"Why the hell not?"

I shrugged in response. "I don't know."

He sighed. "I don't know how either. You're a gorgeous girl and if it were up to me, I would kiss you in an instant and ask you to be mine."He smiled gently. "So I'll do just that."

That's what I wish he said.

Instead, he smiled at me. "I'm sure the right guy will come along to take your first kiss, and you'll love it."

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