Hela tears Thanos a new one

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Thanos smiled slightly as he observed his surroundings. The mortals would eventually realise that what he had done was for their own good. And perhaps Hela would succumb to his attempts at courting her.

All of this was simply a wonderful gift to the most magnificent goddess of death (and he'd met a few) that he'd ever layed his eyes upon. As he pondered this the ground started to shake slightly. Thanos frowned in confusion.

The mortals apparently didn't know any better than he did since they were looking nervous and grouping together in fear. A familiar feeling of darkness and despair seemed to seep into the air.

The tremors increased until even Thanos could barely remain upright. Cracks appeared in the ground and tore the earth open. ' Ride of the Valkyries ' played loudly as hordes of Zombie soldiers and countless other creatures crawled up from the depths including a familiar son of Loki.

Fenrir scrabbled for purchase on the slowly stilling ground. He managed to stand and held his head up proudly. The overgrown canine was growling ferociously and an angry Goddess of Death on his back. (Both of them.)

Hela and her niece sat proudly upon his back. They appeared at ease, sitting almost ladylike upon the beast. (Which he isn't! He's an adorable little puppy!) Hela's cloak was flowing behind her and there was a noticeable humanoid bulge.

Hela produced a cigarette from nowhere and lit it. She puffed on it casually, as if playing for time. Thanos was about to introduce himself when the elder goddess spoke. " tell me little brother" She purred. " who was it that hurt you?"

She blew a ring of red smoke and flicked the spent cigarette into a crack in the ground. The human bulge under her cloak poked out and Thanos came face to face with a shivering Loki. He pointed a shaky finger at Thanos. His skin had a blueish tinge to it and his eyes were red.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2018 ⏰

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