Sworn Secrets

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George finished the climb, his lungs heavy with lack of air. He turned to his friends, eyeing Valer especially. "Have we made it?"

"Only time will tell," Valer replied. "The Empire has yet to ever travel this far...I doubt they would take the chance of doing so now."

"Can we be so sure?" This time it was Alice who spoke.

Valer locked his eyes with hers, "No. But these mountains have been known for danger. Only the desperate take the chance of travelling here. Shander would never risk his men, even if it meant our death."

Alice nodded her head. They stood in silence, their eyes watching the ground below them. They had come a great distance.

"What shall we do now?" Geldor asked. His was shaky and uncertain.

"We try to survive. We could start our own colony-" Valer started but what was cut off.

To their great astonishment, Ellen spoke. "With what? How? Our reserves are down from running from those Baers all this way, something not many can try and still live. Our weapons had taken a tough toll-should we really think they'd serve us in this new, harsh environment? We're in the Shadow Forest, a place where no one has ever returned from! We have nothing to build with, nothing to shelter us from all the animals and beats who wish to eat us. We have nothing, Valer!"

Valer looked at her with hard eyes; her voice was something he hadn't expected to hear, but it had come at an extremely inconvenient time. "Are you saying we won't make it?" His tone was harsher than his eyes, a voice dominant like lions and scary like snakes.

Ellen held her head high, "I have faith like the rest of you- why else would I have agreed to come with you? But I also know reasoning and we have chosen a cruel life for ourselves. If we go much longer like this, we will surely perish."

"Then we pray for luck," Geldor said simply.

"No," Ellen continued, "we pray that the elves, and dwarfs, and wizards, and any other beings that could be wondering these lands find us. They have been known to navigate these areas easily...we could possibly find a patrol of some if we search carefully."

"Suppose we do. Then what?" Valer didn't appreciate her move to become the dominant one, but he had to admit her plan was better than his.

"We ask them for help. That is all we can do."

"Help on what?"

"Building our own nation, of course."

The four run-aways headed in the direction that lead them further into the Shadow Forest. For days on end they hunted for fresh game, but many days they starved. Ellen had been right; they chose an unkind life. Each grew irritable with one another until it came to the point of fighting. Only when it seemed all hope had been lost and that they would soon turn their backs and separate did they come across a patrol of elves. They had entered elf country.

Six months had worn the travelers down incredibly and the elves noticed. They looked upon their ragged clothes, frenzied faces, and thin form with scrutiny. Yet all the while, they never were rude towards them.

"What brings you so far into the Shadows?" asked the leader of the patrol. "It has been many decades since a foolish human has come into our borders."

"Famine, war, and a ruthless leader drove us to these areas." Valer no longer held his hypnotic voice, but bore a childish and hungry one.

"You leader has deceived your people, eh?" They shook their heads in response. "I cannot say I didn't see it coming. Traitors never make great kings. Do you seek help?"

"Yes." That was all the elves needed to lead them to their gracious king, whom took the humans under his wing. The king fed them, housed them, and trained them. After working off their dues, the four returned to the king a year later in hopes of sharing their dream with him.


"You wish to rule your own nation?" The king looked upon them with favor, but he still weighted the outcomes. "You no longer wish to serve me, but to become kings and queens of your own?"

Ellen stepped forward, unafraid of him for he had become like a father to her. "Your hospitality is the only reason we lived. We do not wish to threaten your rule if that thought ever crossed your mind. Yes, we ask for your help yet again, but we would never expect it to be free. If we succeed, our debt would be paid in full."

"Words spoken like a true leader. I give you access to my wealth, my workers, and my blessing. May your dream come to life like never before."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2010 ⏰

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