Everything went downhill when Gorgina came back that night.

"Gorgie!" Gorgina looks at Clarke and Madi, giving them a small smile, the best she's been doing so far. "Hi." Gorgina breath out as she sits down in front of them.

"You seem better." Clarke compliments. "But I could be better." Gorgina correct her, glancing over at Madi who's looking at her with tears in her eyes. Clarke told her the stories of the 100 back when we they landed and now... its different. Gorgina's different.

Gorgina and Madi met not long ago, Clarke kept Madi away from her to make sure Gorgina would do fine around people she didn't know.

Madi knows Clarke was one of the few who found the bunker and she knew deep down Gorgina still hates Clarke for having part of Roan's death. 

"How long have you... been sober?" Gorgina looks back at Clarke, putting her blonde hair back with an headband.

Clarke knows she's hurting even when she acted fine, one of the things she learnt as they grew together and then apart and now as together as before.

"Two months now." Gorgina looksdown at her hands, its been the longest Gorgina gone without alcohol on her system. And she wanted some. Badly.

"Okay. Good." Clarke mumbles before focusing on the little girl beside her. "Are you ready?" Clarke asks and Madi gives her a nod.

Gorgina lets out a deep breath as she closes her eyes, going back to six years earlier.

~ from here down it should be in the center & italics ~

I look at Heather, wiping my tears away. "We'll figure it out but right now your people need you." Heather tries to make me feel better as we walk down the stairs.

"Our people." I correct her.
"Yeah, our people." We make our way down to the ball room where everyone should be by now, specific instructions I gave before leaving.

"Hallo." I speak as I make my way inside, most of them bowing down. "The conclave has come to an end, and if y'all are wondering. Octavia fom Skyru won. She believes in equality and they'll share the bunker." I add, letting them go as I go to the stage of the ballroom with my throne, sitting on it.

"What's going to happen?!" One person yells out and I look to where the voice came from but I can't pick out the person who said it.

"We'll wait for the wave to hit and then we'll divide to your stations, while y'all were out today, the whole underground was rearranged so people will be sleeping close to their working stations instead of all pushed together. The remodeling is almost done. My section will be divided up so there can be up to more people here but are the rules and if you are to brake them, you'll be banished." I continue, and Rufus brings out a huge banner, hanging it up.

"It's kind of strict but its what will make us survive down here without having to go out there." I add and the crowd starts to whisper, I hope its good.

~ from here it should end the center & italics ~

"How long did you last?" Madi speaks up, cutting Gorgina story off. "A while actually, if I'm to be exact... I passed three years so early four years." She replies.

"That's long!" Madi exclaims. "Awful in time of war." Gorgina points out.

"I thought y'all didn't believe in violence..."
"Madi, they didn't but things change." Clarke whispers from beside her, acting as if what Madi said was an insult to Gorgina but it was far from that.

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