chapter 5 - Good Form

Start from the beginning

"That's leftenant Jones, sailor," Killian corrected. "The captain is in transit with new orders from the king himself. Before his arrival, this ship will be swabbed from stem to stern, and..." He saw that a sailor had a flask of rum, taking it. "Rum, sailor? Does anyone know what happens to sailors who drink rum? They get drunk, and drunkenness leads to bad form. There's one thing that won't be tolerated aboard this ship, it's bad form."

Killian threw the flask of rum into the water.

Liam smiled. "My ship has never been in finer hands."

"Aye, captain," Killian told him. "We stand ready to receive the king's orders."

Liam called out to his crew. "To your stations!" The crew went to do as told. "When the king summoned me, I knew that there was only one man I could trust to navigate this difficult journey, my little brother."

Killian sighed. "Perhaps you mean younger brother."

Liam opened his satchel to reveal gold, handing a piece to Killian. "A gift to commemorate our latest voyage together."

Killian chuckled. "A sextant. You always were the sentimental type."

Liam rolled his eyes. "Look closer, brother."

Killian took a closer look. "I've never seen markings like this. To what strange land are we headed?"

"I'm under orders not to say until we arrive," Liam told him. "But, brother, this is the mission of our dreams. The mission that will bring peace to the kingdom, and glory to the Jones brothers."

Killian smiled. "A hero's journey. That is indeed good form, brother." He called out. "Master Boyson... all hands prepare to set sail. Make speed!"



Night - Camp

The group sat at their camp. Killian and Ella looked at each other before looking away.

Lisa sighed. "A trap? That's your plan?"

"The lost boys wanna come after us," Saphira told them. "We go after them."

"You really think a lost boy is gonna betray Pan?" Alcina asked.

"Thanks for the advice," Snow told her. "David?"

"Yeah?" David asked.

"We need more vines," Snow answered.

David nodded. "On it, and Mathias, Jefferson and Hook can come with."

"Who says?" Jefferson asked.

"We do," Mathias answered. "If the ladies insists..."

Jefferson sighed, knowing why the boys really wanted to talk, standing to follow them into the jungle. "What would you like to yell at me about now?"

"We saw you and Freya earlier, Jefferson," Mathias told him. "When you started to get a pain in your head, so did Freya, and then she lashed out."

"You said that if you died, Freya would get all the madness," David told him. "That's what you meant, right?"

Jefferson sighed. "There was a spell that Cilla did when we were kids, and it linked my mind to hers. It made it to where she could free some of the madness in my head by taking it into hers. Freya and I didn't know it back then, but we figured it out once we were separated more than once."

Worlds Colliding (Once Upon a Time) Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now