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It has been such a long day and to say that I'm tired would be a major understatement. All of this studying ready for my midterms next week is beginning to get on top of me but I geuss it will all be worth it in the end. I geuss your wondering who I am, well let me tell you..

Hi Im Emma-Rose. I'm 19 and live in Rio de Janeiro although I was born in England. My Mum and Dad moved us all over here then I was 5 years old. Sadly my mother and father died in an unfotunate incident when i was 9, leaving my old sister Maisie to take care of me. She was 18 at the time of my parents death but for an 18 year old she was extremely mature. She handled the responsibily of looking after me really well considering she had her own career dreams to fulfil. She is now a fully trained carer for the elderly and she is at the top of her field. Shes now living in Sao Paulo in a beautiful 2 story apartment. I wouldnt say my parents were rich but we were well off so when they sadly passed, Me and Maisie had money to take care of ourself's. Now Im living in a gorgeous 3 bedroom apartment in the centre of Rio de Janeiro not to care away from my university. Im studying to become a sports trainer along side a physicist. Ive always had a huge interest in football which might seem odd with me being a girl but keeping fit and active has always been a big part of my life.

A/N So this is the prologue for my first fan fiction. This is quite scary for me because I'm not quite sure how this will play out. But I really hope you all enjoy this. Please leave comments and any suggestions for how you might like this to play out.. Thank you xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2014 ⏰

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