The Fire Ceremony

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The immense crowds held Mira apprehensive, it would seem that her future remained constant, and that soon, she would shut her eyes and be thrust in the obscurity that surrounded her realm. Never did she expect that her search for the Liberator would deprive her of all that she held dear, and of the delicacies and luxuries that as crown princess she once had. The conquering of the realm by what many referred to as E was a great one, an overwhelming one, a dark one. Revoking her throne and ending their mother's reign, she was next.
The fires danced beautifully around her, disguising the terrible fate that they would impose on her. Her dark blue eyes shimmered as they reflected the light that was too intense to bear. Her mouth was dry, and her light-brown hair curled in perfect form as they attempted to mimic the movements of the fire. She was trapped, attached to a vertical pole with a golden rope that traveled from her mouth, to the bottom of her feet. Wooden poles covered her leg positioned diagonally to the floor.
The individuals surrounding her laughed with content as they observed how the only potential threat to the kingdom would now end with the burning of a stick. Her subjects, trapped in metal cages cried in despair, for Mira was the land's only hope for finding the Liberator. The Fire Ceremony would now commence. Mira winced, her face red and her ears ringing as a wooden stick was cut and prepped by a tall man. She could sense the guilt in his face as he approached her after lighting the pole on fire. She contemplated of ways to escape her situation, but the rope was too sturdy to break. The blood flow to her brain decreased by the second as it held her body as a snake would when attached to its prey. Her wits could not save her now.
Suddenly, she detected a familiar pair of sympathetic, yet intimidating green eyes that were distinguished amongst the crowds. With a velvet hood on, the figure swiftly flowed with discretion, gradually approaching Mira. Could it be who she thought it was? The green eyes followed the brawny man heading towards Mira, and as he placed the fire beneath her, the world seemed to stop.
"I'm so sorry for this your majesty", the man had whispered.
She tried to resist her eye's overpowering desire to close as she glanced at the hooded figure, pulling out a sword. The last things Mira was able to detect, was the man's constant guilt revealed through his eyes, the laughing crowds overshadowed by the screams of her people, and most importantly, her sister Clara. For a split second she saw her sister, a sister who she hadn't talked to for 9 years, a sister who she thought had died in the hands of her enemies when she was 7, a sister whose eyes were green.
While she was asleep, she thought she heard people screaming, "Through here! Quickly!", or "Get them, we can't let her escape again!".
Clara's sword was resounding and her skills were undeniable. However, as she swished her sword attacking the allies of E, the darkness replicated. Never in all her days of training had she experienced such powerful magic. These entities were not human, and could not be killed with a mere flick of a sword. She wouldn't have time to save all those who were trapped. She grabbed her sister and in an instant disappeared, leaving no trace of what was once there. Mira soon awoke to a painful, stinging feeling in her right leg, inside a cave with stalactites as prominent as the fires that were her center of attention for what seemed to her just minutes ago. She glanced at her burned patch of skin, that was covered with white cloth and screamed in pain as she moved her body to do so. She heard voices outside the cave of people talking in a language that was unknown to her. The only thing worse than her suffering was her inability to know what was being said, and to escape this dreadful place. She heard her sister's footsteps resounding as she traveled through the cave, and could note that she approached with a light. The reminder of the fires penetrated through her memories and shone so brightly that once she saw the light, she gasped. Seeing her beautiful sister for the first time in 9 years was certainly heartwarming.
Clara had long, curly blonde hair that shimmered in the light dispersing around the cave. Her eyes were like glowing emeralds, her face noble yet fierce, and her mouth petite. Her hair was decorated with small, delicate flowers. Clara was merely 2 years older than Mira. As children they were playmates, and best friends. However, Mira had so many questions regarding her disappearance and her reappearance, that she didn't have the time to dwell in those memories. She attempted to leave her sister's side, but the pain was too profound.
"Shhh, don't be scared sis, you're going to be just fine", Clara assured her.
"Stay still". She placed her hand in the affected area of her foot, closed her eyes, and took off her hand. Mira was astonished, and instantly healed.
"H-How did you do that?", Clara asked perplexed.
"11 years in the magic business teaches you some things", Clara replied with a wink.
"I-I have so many questions...Why did you disappear? I thought you were dead. Why did you come back to save me?".
Clara responded, "Mira, I left our family voluntarily when you were 7 because as future queen of Alduria, I was given the solemn duty to find the Liberator. As you may know, he is the only one who is capable of ridding our kingdom of the darkness that dwelled and was growing as we grew. I learned some tricks at a young age with the help of a sorcerer, and continued my mission. Well, I failed multiple times in the search, but when I heard that you were doing the same, and were in danger...",
"You rushed to help me", Mira interrupted.
"Exactly. You see, it is prophesized that he will bring light to this kingdom once again, and overthrow E. I needed to make my people believe that I was dead, in order to prevent any unwanted entities from knowing who I was, or what I was doing".
"Who were you talking to, and why didn't they speak our language?"
"They were simply faraway travelers that I had paid to book us safe passage here", Clara assured.
"Clara, I still can't comprehend why you never took the time to communicate with me. I would have done so for you", Mira stated.
"Mira, as your sister, and future ruler, I had a duty to my people to protect them, no matter what. I couldn't put you in danger".
"You were my best friend...You didn't even say goodbye! Suddenly you just show up trying to compensate for 11 years without giving me any signs that you were alive...Nothing you say is justifiable", Mira said through tears.
"You're right, there is nothing I can do. I love you. You are my sister and best friend. I can only hope that in time you will forgive me. However, now we have a crisis in our hands and no time to waste. You're our queen now, so you must tend to your subjects and kingdom".
Mira stared at her with sorrow and discontent, and hesitantly stated, "What should I do? I've tried multiple times to find the Liberator. I have consulted magicians, sorcerers, and none have any clue where he lies".
"Maybe its not a where, but a when", said a voice that sounded familiar. Mira immediately recognized him. The broad shoulders, the guilt in his face, and his huge body gave him away.
"You-You're the man who tried to kill me! How could you do this? Clara, do something!". With a calm and unworried look, she called him to join them, much to Mira's demise.
"What are you doing? He tried to kill me!".
"Relax sis, he's a friend, not a foe", Clara assured Mira wittingly.
" Excuse me for questioning your wisdom, but usually when somebody attempts to kill you, it usually means that you shouldn't trust them". Mira quickly reached for a nearby stalactite, pointed it at him with both hands and threw it, aiming directly to his face.
The brawny man held out his hand, stopping the stalactite 2 inches from his chest in mid air, and dropping it to the floor. "Relax your majesty, I mean no harm. What I did at the Ceremony was merely a subterfuge to get you to safety.".
Seeing that her sister was wide-eyed with an open mouth, she explained to Mira how the fire he utilized had a kind of preserved, ancient magic, which allowed for the ropes to untie themselves.
"Well, if so, then why do I have burns in my legs?'', Mira inquired.
"No spell should be done when a person is asleep your majesty, it disrupts the spirit world as the person enters his/her dreams. The spirit tries to leave, and in doing so a burning sensation is created, with any spell. That was a mistake in our part, but we were trying to get you to safety. My name is Fabio, and I am at your service."
"He's the best warlock in all the realms, and is determined to help us on our mission", Clara said.
"I see, well in that case...", Mira held out her hand to shake Fabio's. "My name is Mira. Sorry that I almost tried to kill you earlier".
"N,so worries, it happens all the time", Fabio stated.
"Now that all is cleared out, we must get back to work, we must not waste a second, and we must never give in to the dark forces that surround us. Fabio, go back to what you had said previously".
"My lady, I simply meant that maybe, the Liberator does not lie in this realm, or any realm now for that matter. The prophecy states that from an unsourced era, the Liberator will rise above the darkness".
"Of course! Fabio you are a genius! How did we not notice this sooner? This is valuable evidence. "He's the best warlock in all the realms, and is determined to help us on our mission", Clara said.
", Clara exclaimed in exhilaration.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2018 ⏰

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