I reached out, stepping in front of him and in one stride.

I slapped him.


"Oh you are going to kill me for this." I muttered, as his head whipped to the other side. I secretly hoped the pain would shake him out of his anger state. A state that rarely came out.

The pain obviously didn't, so I backed away while he started to spasm from anger and begin shifting. Turning from him, I noticed that Ethan was holding a bucket of cold water.

I had an idea.

Call me crazy but I really hope this works.

Stepping up, I gave him a hug. Normally the touch of their mate will calm them down instantly but no mate in sight so I'll have to do.

"You better not kill me, Jesse." I whispered in his ear, sniffing slightly. "And you stink."

Signaling to Ethan, he came up behind us and poured the cold water in the both of us. I felt Jesse shuddering and suddenly stop. I sighed in relief and pull away but suddenly Jesse's arms gripped me tightly and I felt mud poured down onto us. Dripping down my shirt and all over my hair.

"Jesse!" I shoved him away as most of the pack chuckled and others glared, I spotted a group of guys with another bucket. And I shot daggers, as soon as they noticed, they sobered up and avoided my gaze.

"Nice right hook you got there." said Jesse, indicating the red palm print now resting on his cheek. He looked ridiculous, hair matted down and muddy, although he did look great shirtless and sweaty.

I raised an eyebrow at him instead, quickly turning I looked for the boy I saved from an angry wolf. I found his laying in the mud and grass, clearly in pain.

"Jesse you better help." The threat in my voice was clear, in the corner of my eye I saw him stiffen and walk slowly towards us. The boy looked familiar but I couldn't recall his name.

Lifting him gently, well, trying to; he groaned loudly. I cursed and gestured for others to help. The boys arm was around my shoulders and arm was around his waist, Jesse was on the other side helping him up. The scent of blood was extremely strong as he wobbled up the stairs and towards the pack doctors room.

"Next time you decide to fight, do it somewhere close to the pack doctor. I'm tired of saving your victims." I grunted as the boy but most of his weight on me.

Jesse winced in response, and opened his mouth to answer but was cut off by none other then Sarah Bit-Birch.

Sarah Birch

"Jess-Seeeyy! I was looking all over for you." she walked down the hall just out of the pack doctors room. No doubt feeding Maya some more lies, my eyes narrowed. Giving me a once over look and smirked, she disregarded me with an eye roll.

"Interesting choice of clothes today, Waverley. It shows your true place." she smiled innocently. Turning away, Sarah gripped Jesse's arm effectively dragging him away from me and the half conscious boy now in my arms. Just as Jesse was about to open his mouth, he was interrupted again.

"Come on dear, lets get you cleaned up. And I'd prefer if you wore a shirt from now on. Except in private of course, you don't need to try to impress me. I already am." she purred.

I grunted as all of the weight fell on my shoulders, clenching my teeth I sucked in a breathe and manage to lug the boy inside the room. Pulling or carrying him inside the room and onto the bed, he laid down on the crisp clean bed sheets. Leaving a dirty mud mark behind.

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