Crossing A Line

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I was flying home when I saw someone being beaten. I flew down to the ground and the person had a knife and stabbed the guy right in front of me. Wait is that who I think that is no it can't be! "Why'd you do that?" I asked

"I am not who you guys think I am." He said

"I never trusted you but, Damian did so I gave you a chance." I said

"Well it's for him I am doing this." He said

"How is this for him?" I asked

"You have to go so I can be with him." He said

"You have crossed a line!" I yelled

"It's for love I thought you'd understand." He said and transformed. He used the strength he got from transforming to punch me. I crashed against the wall and it broke. "He trusted you." I said before he stabbed me with a kryptonite dagger the same one Talia had. How did he get it?


I was sitting on the couch waiting for Beastboy so we could start the meeting. The doors opened and Beastboy yelled "Damian I tried to save him but I couldn't I am sorry Jon's dead!" He said and I rushed over to him. I saw Jon in his arms with a kryptonite knife in his heart.

"Your a liar he going to live he must!" I cried and suddenly a hand was on my shoulder.

"I am sorry but he's dead Damian." Starfire said.

"Who did this? Who took him away from me?" I asked

"The attacker was gone before I could see them." He replied

"I will avenge him if it's the last thing I do" I promised and ran out. It was pretty cool outside and the sun was going down when suddenly someone sat down next to me.

"I heard what happened and I'm sorry" Dick said

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"I came here to check up on you. Does Clark now?" He asked

"Could you tell him for me?" I asked

"Sure" he said and took out his phone. There was a lot of yelling between Dick and Clark mostly about me.


I woke up in a warehouse it was very cold. I heard a voice say "Finally you woke up."

"This will never work." I said

"And why is that?" He asked

"Because he figure it out and then he will rescue you." I said

"No it will work and then I will be with him." He said

"Even if your plan works Colin you'll live knowing I was always his first choice." I said and he punched me.


I got out my phone to message Colin because right now I need a friend

Colin can you come to the tower?


Jon's dead.

Are you ok?

Yeah just please come.

On my way.

It was a good thirty minutes before he arrived. "I am so sorry for your loss Damian." He said

"Please don't apologize I need a friend not someone to pity me" I said

"Ok I can listen." He said

"I loved Jon so much I just can't believe he's gone. It's so unfair he just became a teen titans and now he's dead. He was only fifteen who the hell would do this?" I asked

"Sometimes the life's unfair but. This seems like something your mom would."

"Why do you think that."

"The kryptonite knife in his heart Talia has used a kryptonite blade on him before."

"That was before you came back and I never told you." I said

"Shit" was all he said

"you who killed Jon didn't you!" I yelled

"Fine you caught me but he is alive." He replied

"Why?" I asked

"For you" he said

"How the hell was this for me!?!"

"With him gone I knew I could have you."

"Well you ruined that. Now tell me where he is!" I ordered and he did. After that he jumped off the building and landed in some flying vehicle.


I was struggling to get out of the kryptonite cuffs when the door opened. "Beloved are you in here" Damian asked

"Damian is that really you?" I asked

"Yes and I'm here to take you home" he said and picked the cuffs lock then kissed me.

"I knew you would come" I said and hugged him. The ride back to the tower was slow and when we finally arrived I was welcomed by the titans. Beastboy ran up and hugged me

"I found the fake you in the ally and I started crying." Beastboy said

"I am so happy to see you guys again" I said and blacked out.

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