As soon as spectators hear Lance's warning many of them duck under the seats. Half of the spectators get slammed into their seats. The other half are tossed into the air only to crash a few meters away. All bottles, cans and packets of eatables explode upon being hit by the sonic wave. The dust engulfs everyone as everyone starts coughing very badly. Seconds later the sonic wave hits the VIP Box.

(In the VIP Box)

Oak roughly grabs the back of Grace and Delia's neck and shoves them to the ground along with himself moments before the sonic wave can blast them both of their feet. Most people manage to get down on the ground before the sonic wave hits. When the sonic wave hits the newly bought bullet proof glass casing breaks like tissue paper. Alder, Norman and Sabrina get slammed into the wall and immediately lose their consciousness.

The whole stadium gets engulfed in a dusty silence as the sonic wave finally subsides. Lillie is the first one to gain consciousness. She manages to wiggle out from under her brother's body. She gets shocked when she sees a girl with brown hair lying over an unconscious Gary with their lips pressed to one another. Lillie watches as the girl who was kissing Gary finally retains consciousness. Lillie recognizes the girl as Shauna one of Serena's performer rival. Shauna on waking up realizes what she has done by accident and her cheeks start getting hot and red. As she sees Gary starting to stir, her head involuntarily starts going towards his. Her lips are mere millimeters away from Gary's when suddenly someone's hand roughly grabs her hair and yanks her back. She turns to see an angry Lillie glaring at her. In the meanwhile Gary and Lusamine regain consciousness. They wake up to see Lillie confronting another girl in an angry fashion. They get shocked because they thought Lillie was incapable of displaying anger.

"I don't give a shit whether you legs are broken. He's taken. Start walking and take a hike." Lillie says in a threatening tone as Gary and Lusamine stare at her in shock. The moment Shauna reluctantly starts to move away Lillie goes over to Gary to see whether he is alright.

"Oh Gary are you OK?" Lillie says in a concerned tone as she cups Gary's cheeks with her hands.

"Umm. Yeah what was that about?" Gary asks.

"Umm. Nothing." Lillie says before she smashes her lips with Gary's which he reciprocates.

"Oh. What was that for?" Gary asks after a heated 15 second make out session.

"Nothing." Lillie replies with her cheeks flushing red.

Gary is about to ask her again when the entire room star echoing with groans as everyone starts getting up.

"What the hell was that?" Goodshow asks as he gets up on his wobbling legs.

"That is a lesson not to seat any spectators during any future matches for that madman." Diantha replies as her head spins due to a head ache.

"Pull it together. We need to go and check on the spectators." Lance groans as he gets back onto his feet.

"All gym leaders. Go and see to the spectators. Professors supervise the health care procedure. Elite four and Champions with me to the battlefield. We need to check on Ash and Serena. They were next to the epicenter of the blast." Diantha says as she runs out while coughing non stop. Everyone else follows suit.

(10 Minutes Later)

The champions and Elite four reach the stadium ground to see the battlefield still enveloped inside a dust cloud. They cautiously go inside while sticking close to another. What they see, shocks them further than possible. They see Ash and Serena standing upright having withstood that sonic wave blast. They are panting heavily with their bodies fully covered with dust. Their arms are still crossed in the form of an X and they are panting as if they have been running for 2 hours straight. Their bodies are covered with scratches and gashes. They see the Dragon Emperor standing as it nothing happened at all and his Noivern who has reverted into its previous form hovering next to himself. Finally they see a bruised Salamence and Garchomp lying in the center of a very deep crater with their eyes closed.

Tryst with Destiny: The Beginning of the End (Main Story)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα