We Had The Best Of Fun

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The minute she entered, she began scurrying over to the table where everyone usually sat. Rebekah really felt like she needed to sit down; her stomach was curdling, and her head was spinning. What was going on with her today? Surely the hangover wasn't there. She'd never been drunk before, but she didn't drink that much where it would be still lasting two days later.

But as Rebekah rapidly approached the table, she clocked those faces that she was bound to expect there. That she knew was always going to be around.

Kade and Ethan.

Rebekah wasn't in the mood for Kade's bullshit. He irritated her so much- made her skin crawl. She could just tell from where she was stood that he was in one of them annoying, sarky moods, and it caused her to clench her hands into fists, causing her nails to open the scarring flesh.

Rebekah was about to leave, when Kade's face turned from the table where he was stood, and his dark, humour- filled eyes seemed to latch against hers within second. He stared for a moment, before offering her an evil grin. She knew she was busted, and began slowly moving towards the table, her boots ( which was never usually part of her school wear) making a odd sound against the ground. If her father seen her in them, he'd freak.

" Rebekah, come on over here!" Kade beamed. " We were just talking about you."

Rebekah's heart stopped in her chest as she reached the table. Had she finally been exposed?

" Well, all of use. About how fabulous the party was this weekend, am I right, girls?" Kade's voice was high, and he clapped his hands together. Oh no, this could only mean bad. He got this hyperactive when he was up to no good. Rebekah just hoped he didn't have anything up his sleeve. Not right now.

She peered at the table to see Ethan sat down, his head bowed against the ground. It looked as if he was kicking his feet together. He still had that frown upon his face, and it was too strange. Rebekah had to look away. She'd seen this state on several occasions, but never like this. He appeared almost vulnerable. But surely that wasn't the case.

Her half-closed, green eyes then flickered over to Kyra who sat right beside him, and Rebekah was confused when she witnessed a just as confused look on Kyra's face. Her light eyebrows were knitted together, and her freckled nose was scrunched up as she stared across the table at Vicky.

And, now Rebekah Fleetwood got the shock.

Vicky Stratford.

Victoria Stratford- in all the years Rebekah had known her, Vicky had never looked worse. Under her eyes was black and sagged, like she hadn't slept for at least two days straight, and her skin was completely paled; the only colour it had was from the red pimples that left unblemished on her chin. Her usually silk, golden blonde hair was greasily shoved into a loose bum, and she was wearing a blue sweater that covered her entire top half, when usually she would wear her beautifully done up cheerleading outfit. Or maybe even a cute dress to draw the boys attention- have them craving her.

Rebekah was nearly knocked off her feet, and even let out a horrifying, phlegmy sound from the appearance of what was usually a well put together girl. This was suspicious, totally out of character behaviour, and something deep and dark must've triggered this, because Vicky Stratford didn't dress terribly for nobody.

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