I Feel Like I've Just Barfed Up A Novel

Start from the beginning

"No offense, but I don't see what the big deal is. It was just a party. It wasn't her fault." Cady was startled by Janis' tone, but maintained her innocence.

Janis raised her voice. "I can't believe you're defending her! That scum-sucking fart-mouthed life ruiner!" Janis had never meant to lash out like she did, but yet, here they were. She was so enraged, she felt like she could punch someone.

"Well, what really happened then?" Cady asked, her curiosity peaked.

"Nothing you need to know right now." And with that, she abruptly packed up her paints and the canvas and stormed out. "We're done here for today, I've gotta go home," she spat, biting her lip to fight back the tears she could feel stinging the corners of her eyes. The door slammed hard behind her, leaving a newly angry Cady alone in the art room.
Cady knew Janis would be too stubborn and upset to talk to her the next day. Janis was infuriatingly secretive, keeping her feelings locked up inside of her for God knows how long and refusing to let them out until she couldn't hold them in anymore. She hated the idea of Janis breaking down, so for the next several days, she tried to get the truth out through Damian. Janis trusted Damian, and Damian wouldn't lie to her.

Damian felt bad for Cady. He wanted to tell her everything, so he tried a few times, but each time, Janis would punch his arm or shush him frantically. Cady tried to talk to Damian alone, but he wouldn't budge.

"Sorry, sweets, I've been sworn to secrecy. Janis'll murder us both if she finds out I told you without her there."

"You're scared of Janis?"

"No!" His tone went suddenly defensive before softening. "Caddy, listen, a lot of shit happened that year, and I really wish I could tell you, believe me, I do, but I know exactly what's gonna happen. You'll feel all bad and go and try to comfort her, she'll know you found out, she'll know I told you, and it'll break her. I hate seeing her upset just as much as you, if not more, and I'm just trying to prevent something bad."

Cady nodded, disappointed but understanding. He was right. She knew he was right. But curiosity overwhelmed her. Later that day, she tried asking other kids, but they were of little help. She ran herself ragged trying to figure out just what the hell happened in 8th grade. It wasn't for her sake, it was for Janis'. She was starting to feel like Janis didn't trust her enough. She had been a student at North Shore for the past several months, and though she was still posing as a Plastic, she wanted Janis' trust with her problems.

All she had wanted was to know why Janis gets pale and quiet whenever someone calls her a "space dyke" (whatever that meant), why kids spit on her and push her over in the halls and threaten to hurt her, why Cady once saw Damian break the lock on someone's locker that Janis had been shoved in, why girls waited five minutes for another open stall in the bathrooms when there was one open right next to where Janis was, why Damian says she has "episodes" in the middle of the night, coming to school the next day with a dead, still frantic look in her eyes, why Cady could see pronounced scars on Janis' legs and arms no matter how much she wore to try and cover them up, why she wore these long, thick clothes anyway even when it was 80 degrees out, refusing to take them off even when she was drenched in sweat and clammy and near passing out, why she sometimes comes to Cady's house feeling delirious, loopy, ethereal, and not Janis, hopped up on medications to make her seem like herself when she's really some other person that isn't the Janis that Cady knows and loves. She cared about Janis deeply, and it hurt her to the core that Janis didn't seem to care enough back.
Cady found Janis in the art room after school that day. She looked dead as usual, clearly sleep deprived, her eyes red, puffy, and half open. She had obviously been crying.

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