The Dragon of Inner Circle

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   Sir Robert left his horse with the scrawny stable boy. He was glowing with excitement. He had only just come home from the war against Outer Circle and he was already being summoned by the king again. He grinned and opened the door.

   The grey stone floor shone with the light coming in from the big windows. The old man on the throne stroked his white beard.

   "Welcome, Sir Robert. I apologize for having to drag you away from your comfy home."

   The knight shook his head. "No, no. I live here in the barracks anyways. And I AM always here to serve you, your majesty." He smiled and bowed down. "Now, what is it that the crown wants from its humble servant?"

   "As you may have noticed, Princess Trina is not here." The king gestured to the smaller, empty throne by his side. The light blue cushions of the throne looked like they had been left alone for some time.

   "A week ago my daughter Trina went into the woods with her guards and her attendants. But somehow she managed to get away from them all unnoticed. I want you to find out what has happened to her."

   The knight bowed once more. "As you wish."

   Robert recognized the flaxen hair of one of Princess Trina's handmaidens. He called out to her, making the young woman turn around. She almost dropped the basket of flowers she was holding.

   "Sir Robert!"

   She set down the basket and curtsied. "It's rare to see you in this part of the castle," She paused, then a look of understanding donned her. "Are you here to investigate the princess?"

   "That's right. Do you know anything about what happened that day?"

   "Nothing I haven't already told the guards, but I suppose I should tell you too. The princess likes going into the Dir Woods. She spends a lot of time there. But sometimes she runs off, and we just have to wait for her to come back. So it's not really surprising at all..."

   "Alright, thank you for your help."

   The forest had a clear path going through. From the spaces between the trees' leaves he could see the sky and smoke from the nearest volcano. Sir Robert spurred his steed onward. The acrid smell of smoke was starting to get to him.

   'You'd think after all these years I'd be used to it...' He shook his head.

   At the edge of the forest was a crumbling tower. The ruins were overtaken by moss and vines, giving it a dead and gone sort of feel. Sir Robert got off the horse and walked forward.

   "Come out here dragon! Come out here and face me!"

   The wind picked up at a violent rate. A roaring sound echoed through the area. A large golden creature landed in front of him.

   "Why are you here, pesky human?" The voice was stern and agitated.

   "I am here to retrieve the princess!"

   The dragon scratched at the earth with its giant claws. It glared down at Sir Robert and shook its head.

   "You cannot take the princess! She is my only friend!" It cried.

   Sir Robert put down his shining sword. If the dragon was to do him no harm, he would gladly return the favor.

   "Where is the princess?" He said, lowering his voice to that of normal conversation.

   The dragon moved to the side, revealing more of the ruins. A girl in a teal dress sat atop one of the pillars. She kicked her legs absentmindedly, staring up at the sky.

   "Trina, someone is here to see you."

   The princess gasped. She clutched the end of the pillar harder.

   "Oh no oh no oh no! I do not want to go home! I like it so much better here..." She turned to the dragon. "Bogbee what do I do?"

   The two started to talk in worried voices. Sir Robert sat down with a smile.

   "Princess Trina I am glad you are safe. The king has been worried about you."

   She sighed. A hand twirled a little braid of brown hair. "Oh, I know Father must be worried sick. But I do not want to leave Bogbee..."

   Her face was sad. Sir Robert bowed and looked up at the princess. "I promise to explain this to the king. I'll make sure you can come here often," He turned to the side. The dragon's forked tongue flicked at its lips. "Oh, and Sir Dragon, I would like to come visit you too, if that's alright." He held out his hand and gestured for the dragon Bogbee to lift a claw.

   He shook the claw like a handshake. "Now you have two friends!"

The Dragon of Inner CircleWhere stories live. Discover now