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Dick thought about it all day.He asked around at the watchtower but no one knew of anyone of the description that Damian had described.
Finally Dick went to bed utterly confused.
The next day Damian seemed on edge as they went on patrol.Dick was confused.
"Robin,are you tired?"
"No,I am fine." His reply was short and sharp but the look in his eyes was...scared?
"There's something wrong.If you don't tell me what it is we will just go back to the penthouse right now."
"TT."Damian clicked his younger loudly in disapproval"I said that I'm fine Batman.Shut your infernal trap were meant to be quiet on stakeout."
Dick lifted an eyebrow at the boys words.Obviously something was bugging him.When they got back to the penthouse,Damian went off to bed.
However,two hours later when dick crept in to wish him goodnight before retiring to his own bed he found Damian face down in the pillow sobbing snottily.Dick placed a hand on his back,gently rubbing small circles into his back.Damian leaned into Dick's nightshirt.
"Are you ready to tell me what's wrong yet?"asked Dick
Damian just wailed into his chest louder.Dick stayed exactly where he was until the sobbing stopped.Damian was at the snotty stage where he was wiping his eyes and nose with a tissue.
"Greyson,the friend I told you about?"
"Yes,He's in a big amount of trouble.You know that he's homeless but when we meet up he has a tendency to have fainting spells.I'm worried he may hurt himself.I also believe that he's sick.He has a very deep cough and keeps sneezing and his voice sounds pained.I think he might have the flu or something worse!"
"How do you know this?And when do you hang out with him?"
"I hang out with Billy every day after school.He's a genius at homework but he's never been to school."
"I love you Damian Goodnight."
"No wait!His full name is Billy Batson!"
Damian scanned Dick's face for recognition.His eyes widened and Dick blurted out
"Shazam?Or Well Captain Marvel?"
Damian nodded furiously.
"Please help him.promise!"
"Ok,Ok I promise to try and help him kiddo.Goodnight"

William Batson.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant