Chapter 2

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-The next morning-

In the bedroom in the castle, the sun was shining through the window as Rainbow Blitz and Rainbow Dash woke up from their sleep. They looked at each other as they smiled, and Rainbow Blitz said "Good morning." "Good morning." Rainbow Dash said. She sniffed as she said "Oh. Morning breath." "I know." Rainbow Blitz said. "Isn't it wonderful?" Just then, the door opened, and Spike, Capper, and the half-dragon and half-manticore babies went in as Spike sang a song while his half-dragon and half-manticore babies jumped and crawled on the bed. Rainbow Dash was amused while Rainbow Blitz was annoyed. As the half-dragon and half-manticore babies left the room, Spike said "Oh, they grow up so fast." "Not fast enough." Rainbow Blitz said in a deadpan tone as he put the fire on the blanket out with his hoof. Capper then sat on the bed as he said "Okay. You have a very fully day filling in for the prince and princess. There are several functions that require your attendance, sir." "Great! Let's get started!" Rainbow Blitz said as he laid on the bed, and covered himself with the blanket.

"Come on, lazy bones!" Spike said. "Time to get moving!" He removed the blanket as Rainbow Blitz sighed, and said "Fine." In a church, Rainbow Blitz, Rainbow Dash, Spike, and Capper walked down the aisle as the knightiing ceremony started to take place. The pony priest gave Rainbow Blitz the sword, and he looked at the pony knight who seemed a bit nervous. Rainbow Blitz looked at Capper who used his sword to show him how to knight a pony. He then looked at the pony, and said "I knight thee..." He accidentally stabbed him as they all gasped in shock. Rainbow Blitz laughed nervously, and groaned in disgust." At the boat dock, Rainbow Blitz and Rainbow Dash were the officiating the boat christening for the Royal Equestrian Navy. Rainbow Blitz held the cider bottle as he leaned on the boat. He accidentally pushed the boat, making it go onto the water in the process. He threw the cider bottle at the boat, and it made a big hole as it sunk into the water. Everypony then shook their heads as they walked away.

Later that night in the dressing room, a unicorn named Fashion Plate tightened the aprons around Rainbow Blitz and Rainbow Dash as Spike said "Well, since you're filling in for one, you might as well look like a real prince. Can somepony come in here and work on Rainbow Blitz please?" "I will see what I can do." Fashion Plate said. He then began working on the changeling couple. He then dressed Rainbow Blitz in a tight suit and Rainbow Dash in a tight dress. "Oh." Spike said in awe. "Yeah, wow." Capper said sarcastically as he cringed. Later on in the ballroom, as they stood behind a curtain, Rainbow Dash said "Uh, is this really necessary?" Fashion Plate looked at Rainbow Blitz as he said "Ho, ho. Quite necessary, Rainbow Dash." "I'm Rainbow Blitz, you twit." Rainbow Blitz said feeling annoyed. Fashion Plate shrugged as he walked away, and said "Whatever." "Okay, everypony! This isn't a rehearsal!" Capper said. "Let's see some hustle!" "Smiles, everypony, smiles!" Spike said as the pony announcer started announcing the pony couples arriving at the party one by one.

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