Pinky Promise

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"Hey sweetheart!" One of the men at my table calls to me. I roll my eyes before turning around and smiling sweetly. I walk back to their table to see what else they need. "How about another round of shots, tequila." He grins and slips a roll of dollar bills into my jeans pocket.

"You got it." I pretend not to care but I'm actually disgusted. Men who come into bars thinking they can take advantage of their waitress are the type of men I would like to kick in the teeth.

I walk behind the bar and start pouring out the shots. Shaking off the icky feeling of having a stranger slip money into my pocket. 

"You alright?" My coworker and best friend, Sam, asks me.

"I'm good." I nod. "Nothing I can't handle. Just the usual asshole."

"Well, you let me know if I need to kick some ass." He slides a drink across the counter to a customer, not paying attention to her as she flashes him a flirty smile. Sam is handsome, tall, smooth as hell and a goddamn artist when it comes to making drinks. Women are constantly hitting on him and giving him their numbers but he's too good for most of them and he hardly calls. Every once in a while some lucky girl goes home with him at the end of the night and I hear all about it the next day. It goes without saying that Sam is a complete chick magnet and he is fully aware of it.

I put the round of shots on my tray and carry it over to the table. They're all very excited as I approach them, yelling nonsense, someone even claps. I laugh a little, not because I'm flattered but because they all look like idiots. "Now before I walk away again, is there anything else I can get you?"

"I think we're all set for now, baby." One of the guys winks, I almost puke in my mouth.

"Enjoy!" I smile and head back to the bar. I can feel their eyes watching me but I can't blame them, I have a stellar ass. Sam and I make eye contact, he shakes his head and chuckles to himself.

"Absolute fuckheads." He says as soon as I get behind the counter.

"Yeah, well, they're giving me good tips." I laugh. "So, it's worth enduring." 

"Hey, can you watch the counter for a sec? I gotta piss."

"Yeah, for sure."

"Don't burn the place down." He snaps finger guns at me before heading to the back.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and start checking my notifications. I have a few texts from some friends and some random other things like Instagram and Twitter. I click on a text message from my friend Ally asking me to let her know when I get out so we can hangout. I text her back telling her I will.

"Excuse me, ma'am." A deep voice startles me and I look up from my phone to see an attractive young man sitting at the counter. "Beer please, darkest you've got."

His appearance is no less than intimidating with his dark hair falling around his shoulders. He sports a black leather jacket, a couple of rings and a button up shirt that's unbuttoned halfway, exposing the majority of his chest. His eyes look tired and his voice sounds rough. I pour him a beer and put it on the counter in front of him, he hands me a five and takes a couple large sips. I can't help but notice a duffle bag hanging off the back of his chair, I wonder what it's for.

"Ohhh, great." I hear Sam say from behind me. "If it isn't the last person I wanted to see tonight."

"Gimme a break Sam." The guy at the counter scoffs.

I look between the two of them, utterly confused. "Do you guys know each other?" I ask Sam.

"Unfortunately." Sam sighs.

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