One of my Nightmares

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So I could not stop crying so I tried to calm myself down by concentrating on my breathing. Know that I iv'e calmed down, I tell you one of my nightmares. I was sat up in my bed, and i could see Amelia walking towards me,but it didn't look like her. Her face was deformed and stretched, and her eyes were neon bright green. She was also about 7'0 ft tall. She walked towards me creepily just staring at me. I started crying, screaming "STOP! PLEASE STOP!" Then she stopped and went back to normal. I feel like it's not really a bad spirit. It wouldn't have stopped if it's a bad spirit. I sound insane. It was one of those nightmares where there was transitions to the next place. I was next in a dark room tied in a chair, when I saw something or someone coming towards me. It ended up being Amelia walking towards me with bright green eyes. Suddenly all of these cuts and bruises come up on my body. I cry out in pain. 

Then it all went black. That's all i'm going to do, but as i'm writing this i'm hearing taps on my wall, or that's what I think.

-Storm Out 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2018 ⏰

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