"Here is your prune madness...uh oh...I'm tripping. Oh if only someone had a towel." Zack said and Cody ran over

"Oh let me get that sir. That's a handsome cashmere so one should dab not rub." Cody said

"Thank you young man." Mr. Cabot said

"Not a problem Mr. Cabot, it's an honor to be serving a Harvard man."

"How do you know who my father is?" Olivia asked

"I'll handle this Olivia, how do you who I am?" Mr. Cabot asked

"He knows everything there is to know about Harvard, go on Cody tell him how many bricks there are in the Harvard yard." Zack said

"81,204, I went there last summer counted them. Going to Harvard is my life's dream." Cody said

"Harvard could use bright young men like you." Mr. Cabot said

"Thank you sir." Cody said

"And you." Mr. Cabot said to Zack

"I know ugh." Zack finished

"See Juliet your friend here has the right idea." Mr. Cabot said

"He has your idea. Not mine." I said politely

"I should be getting back to work. Good to meet you Mr. Cabot." Cody said leaving

"Nice seeing you again." I said and left.

I went to the empty kitchen. I've been baking a lot since I can't do any physical activity. I was going to make French macarons today. They take all day. I finally finished. I put them 2 small boxes.

I put both of them in my purse

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I put both of them in my purse. They were peanut butter and jelly. I went to Woody and Cody's Cabin. I knocked on the door. Cody opened the door wearing a suit.

"May I ask why your in a suit?"

"I uh... I'm just trying suits on." He said

"Okay I'm here to drop macarons off for Woody. Is he here?"

"I'm here!" He said coming to the door

I opened my purse and took a box out.

"Here you go Woody. These are peanut butter and jelly macarons. Cody would you like a box?" I handed Woody the box and he opened them and tried them.

"Uh...sure." Cody said I took the other box out and gave it to him

"I didn't know you baked." Cody said

Juliet Noble // Cody MartinWhere stories live. Discover now